Posted On:
Oct 25 2004 1:03am
Doubt any of you over the atlantic have seen it, still . . .
Bloody awesome film.
Posted On:
Oct 25 2004 3:18am
Well it's a film based either on cake, layers, or the layer cake, which is either a cake with many layers.....
Or it could be about a certain type of Soviet Atomic Bomb.
Posted On:
Oct 25 2004 8:26am
Kracken, you think everything's some type of Soviet Atomic Bomb.
Posted On:
Oct 25 2004 4:26pm
There really was a Layer Cake bomb developed by the Soviets in the race to reach the hydrogen bomb. 40 times more powerful than an atomic bomb, but not a true hydrogen bomb.
Posted On:
Oct 25 2004 5:07pm
Thank you, Kracken. For that piece of completely useless information.
What else do you have for us today?
Posted On:
Oct 25 2004 5:42pm
I wouldn't consider it usless information. Now you know something smart to tell the baker of the latest layer cake at your place.