Some people can be right idiots at time *sigh*
Juvenial Arrest Help
guys i think the joke is supposed to be that i do illegal shit, and therefore i must steal hood ornaments and turn in my friends and then panic about it... hahahaha get it? because why sell drugs when you can just steal hood ornaments.
or that guy was just hugely cracked out. whichever.
I regret nothing! I wear the avatar with pride!, like... is he in jail yet? Hopefully. Maybe once his arse is owned by big beefy men in prison, he'll learn to shut the fuck up.
Aw, but it was kinda funny Omnae.
Well, Dray if he would have kept it to one thread I wouldn't have minded as much but he got it in his little noggin of a mind to spam none of it remotely coming close to the creativity of a chicken.
That person reminded me of Exar Ganis for some reason...
IT BURNS!!!!!!!
IT BURNS!!!!!!!
IT BURNS US!!!!!!!
IT BURNS!!!!!!!
IT BURNS US!!!!!!!
You know, I was reading something at TGC last night and ExarGanis happened to have posted something about Theren Gevel being his hero... coincidence?