Jennifer Government: Nationstates
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jan 23 2004 6:19pm
Ok, so I play this webgame called Nationstates. Basically all you do is select an answer from a multiple-choice question now and then. I have the questions set to two a day. The way you answer the questions determines how your country does, what its political stance is, etc. Since I want to see as much of the results for answering questions differently, I run two countries. A left wing liberal and a right wing conservative.

Today this question came up for my conservative country.

A surprise raid conducted on ISPs over the last week in Anthos shows that more than 30% of all Internet data transfer in Anthos at one time or another is used by illegal file-shares to illegally distribute files, most notably songs.
The Debate

1. "What we need to do is hack their computers and format their hard drives," says Al McGuffin, recording industry representative. "People need to be taught to not mess with the law. This is theft pure and simple. And they're not only halving our revenue to tune of billions of neutrons, but you are also stealing a few hundredths of a neutron from the artist for every song they steal. THINK OF THE STARVING ARTISTS!"

2. "Yo, dude, like, don't be hatin' man," says teenager Jack Hamilton. "We're like, going to change the whole structure of our society. Everything should be like, publicly available to, like, everybody, dude. Copyrights are so, like, uncool man and we need to get rid of them. That'd be totally radical, and cool as well."

3. "Yo, dang, blizzity blang, yo, this ain't, right, yo," says Chastity Hamilton, famous rapper with three platinum albums. "Dang, yo, we dang need to copy-protect my dang CDs, yo. That dang playability life dang decreases, yo, but it's the only way to stop this, dang, yo."

I like this part the best, from the first answer.
And they're not only halving our revenue to tune of billions of neutrons, but you are also stealing a few hundredths of a neutron from the artist for every song they steal
Posts: 1142
  • Posted On: Jan 23 2004 6:30pm
Yes, poor Metallica, suffering the way they do...

The tattooed eye is my AIM icon. Good book. My nation (New Alderaan)died though when I abandoned it.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jan 24 2004 12:52am
I haven't read the book.

You can see my nations here.
White White

Oddly enough White White was origionally registered as a dictatorship. It seems to have shifted to a Republic.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jan 24 2004 4:31am
I've got a nation called Azguardia.

If only' I'd spotted this thread before mentioning the game in the Rebel Cafe.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jan 24 2004 7:33am
Where did you hear about Nationstates, Dolash? I picked it up at another forum.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jan 24 2004 2:25pm
As did I. Kenzerco.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jan 24 2004 7:26pm
Kenzerco? Never heard of it.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Jan 25 2004 2:25am
I used to play. I had a nation called the Order of Senior Scribes.

Died when my computer got stolen.
Posts: 292
  • Posted On: Jan 25 2004 11:32pm
Well, you shouldn't have left the window open so I can get a free computer...
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Jan 26 2004 4:09am