It's roughly been 2 years since TRF was created...
  • Posted On: Jan 6 2004 11:09am
How about 2004: The year that TRF closes its doors forever, finally realizing that TGC is the rightful king of Star Wars Role Playing on Ezboard.

I went to TGC a few times...I'm not exactly impressed.

It's a closely-knit, hardly free, and very poorly administered board with almost no opportunities in it due to staff overbearing and refusal to tolerate some things that are a necessary part of the Star Wars universe.

That and it seems to follow the same problem SWF did and have simply too many Force userse.
Posts: 388
  • Posted On: Jan 6 2004 6:39pm
TGC is nothing like SWF :|
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Jan 6 2004 11:04pm
I agree. Although SWF has some SOB Mods that would ban you over the stupidest thing, the community is very interactive, and active period. I miss those boards.........
Posts: 388
  • Posted On: Jan 7 2004 12:41am
The only one who can ban you is the admin. Mods are allow to global-ban people, so Ogre would have to have a good reason for giving you the boot :)
  • Posted On: Jan 7 2004 1:04am
You have an average of 40 additional posts a day on TGC, that comes from your IC posts being on average 70% smaller than ours. Get over it...

Listing over 100 ships doesn't count...;) j/k

Come on, let's not get into one of these arguments again. I started this thread to joke around not recreate late 2001.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Jan 7 2004 1:22am
Maybe that would explain why they went straight from warning to permanent ban, instead of one day, or month, bans.
Posts: 388
  • Posted On: Jan 7 2004 7:45pm
If you played by the rules, you wouldn't get banned. Simple as that :D
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Jan 7 2004 7:56pm
Can I help it if their rules are so strict that you would have to have had previous experience in order to not get banned?
Posts: 388
  • Posted On: Jan 7 2004 8:06pm
If you read the rules, you will know what constitutes a banning. Simple as that :)
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Jan 7 2004 9:18pm
Even though I racked up some strikes before I read the rules, I did read the rules, and proceeded accordingly, (Note: I did not get banned for breaking the rules for Fleet RPing, as I did not get in trouble for doing it for a few months). It was the damn force characters that got me. Shoving shattered glass at your opponent, I call that something that requires very little basic skill. Projecting Images into another person's mind to confuse them, I call that an advanced skill. A newbie used that last skill against me, she didn't get into trouble. I used the aforementioned skill, I got banned. I felt like I got seriously discriminated against in that thread due to the trouble I got into when I first joined.