I know its scattered around. I'm just too lazy to look for it. I'm saying 21 or 22 (as I recall).
I'm getting married.
Congrats Titus...
And to Titus's edit, that is because you staff (or you Commonwealth people, either one) planned it all out, didn't you? Its all part of your big plot to make a lot of baby TRF writers to take over the galaxy, isn't it?
Make sure you get a cushioned manacle. That ball and chain will wear your skin raw.
Enjoy it. You deserve it.
Enjoy it. You deserve it.
Ball and chain? Bah. I'm opting for the wrist-computer ala Leela.
Where you at again?
Where you at again?
Another one falls victim to marriage!
TRF is on a little marriage spree here, is this a romantic time of month or something?
Grats man!
TRF is on a little marriage spree here, is this a romantic time of month or something?
Grats man!
Its almost spring Leia. And its just after Valentine's Day. 1+1 = <3
Congrats Titus, I'm glad to hear that.
And where is the wedding taking place at? In other words, which city, or country or whatever?
And where is the wedding taking place at? In other words, which city, or country or whatever?
Its mostly staffers . . . so they'll soon be forced to drop their posts and the positions shall be ripe for the taking.
I smell a coup.
I smell a coup.