Holy... Cow... Monkey... Pickle...
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jul 1 2004 1:25pm
What has happened for the Coalition - in brief:

I've done a couple improvment threads including politics, intelligence, and the constitution, along with taking Leritor (Think crabs who farm).

The Galactic Liberation (read: murderous) Front is still killing people, and both us and the Empire are finally publically getting our crap together and trying to stop them.

There's a thread where the Coalition, BDE, and the Empire meet to chat.

Me and Simon are meeting in Apparitions.

Thats' about the long and short of it.
Posts: 1913
  • Posted On: Jul 1 2004 10:42pm
Ok, sounds good. Thanks Dolash, i think im back on track now.

I didnt know about this Galactic Liberation Front, I'll have to go stop them :-) .