Posted On:
May 28 2006 5:08pm
Welcome to TRF. Tell us a little bit about yourself, Bato.
Taja, I noticed you were a Sith Master.... when did that happen? Congrats!
Posted On:
May 28 2006 7:42pm
So am I! And teh uber Jediz Mastur!
Bato Das almost sounds dirty.
Posted On:
May 29 2006 3:50am
Welcome to the Rebel Faction, Bato.
Posted On:
May 29 2006 6:26am
I am a rodian bounty hunter with a bad history, im looking for jobs, apart from them dam saber swingers
Posted On:
May 29 2006 6:52am
Your Avatar makes you look like a certian nefarious Zabrak.
Posted On:
May 29 2006 6:56am
i meant the jedi, and i see your "certain nefarious zabrak" as a sort of patron, him being a bounty hunter as well as a sith
Posted On:
May 29 2006 9:16am
Bato Das of the Patron Saint Maul? Heh. I like it.
Actually, that's brilliant... Patron Saints of Crime.
Posted On:
May 29 2006 12:10pm
Gash and Ahnk's doing, ooc. It pays to know the people in charge.