Posted On:
Feb 1 2007 3:57am
Just saw the first episode of this last night, as it came to Australian television finally.
Have to say I enjoyed it, although I did think it started quite slowly in the respect of getting things to actually happen. I have the feeling it's going to akin to Lost - except with super powers.
Namely multiple angles, big emphasis on character development, and strung out plotlines that can take days to move along.
None-the-less, the show has me immediately interested, and I'll continue to watch it after work (as I finish a half hour before it starts - lucky, eh? heh).
As Beff stated, I do find Hiro to be quite funny and I do like his sense of innocence.
"Spock, use your 'Death Grip'!"
Posted On:
Feb 1 2007 4:01am
It's funny you mentioned Spock because Sulu (George Takei) makes a guest appearance later on.
I've followed since the very beginning and I've come to very much enjoy the plot and the characters. Although the 'surprises' (the stupid little snippets to preview the next week's episode) have been rather dull; the show itself is verying interesting.
I don't think it's really like Lost at all, but then again I just watched Lost for the first time today. Having gone to the ABC website to watch the current season so far I am hooked and can't wait for the seventh when the new episodes debut. But I find Lost to be much better, more indepth, and more enthralling then Heroes.
Posted On:
Feb 1 2007 10:08am
I was mostly referring to how LOST takes a long time to get anywhere, plot wise... at least, that's how it felt toward the end of Season one. Heh.
Posted On:
Feb 1 2007 2:38pm
I love Heroes. But it does tend to take forever to tell the story.
Posted On:
Feb 2 2007 11:59pm
Yeah, my main complaint is how blasted slow it is. And, indian accents drive me up the wall, as well as the sound of spit in a recorded voice. Thusly, I writhe in discomfort when the narrator goes on his overly long winded diatribes.
I just wanna see that cheerleader chick get broken and fix herself, for crying out loud. And that black dude reach through things. And that idealistic idiot try fly. And that cop listen in on people.
Posted On:
Feb 3 2007 2:11am
I hate Peter's brother... Peter is awesome. Oh, and the new guy that you've seen (I won't say his power for those that haven't seen him) is the guy that played the Doctor on the first season of the recent series, aka the 9th Doctor.
Posted On:
Feb 3 2007 2:44am
Yes, that guy with the beard.
Posted On:
Feb 9 2007 12:28am
I love the show and the biggest surprise, the little girl from Remember the Titans grew into a babe.