During my time on the internet, I have come to hold a distinct hatred for a select group of people. For now, we will refer to this group as "almost everyone". However, within this group, there are numerous sub-groups; subclasses that compound upon the geekery and flagrant stupidity of the larger group.
Each of these sub-groups possesses its own traits, negative and posit -- possesses its own traits. And here they are:
Nerd: Possessed of disproportionate intelligence but absolutely nothing productive to do with it, the Nerd spends most of his time hanging around on boards that discuss various forms of intelligencia, primarily of the scientific variety. They possess few friends and have never had sex, and probably never will. They are quite aware of their abnormal nature and are very bitter. Not bitter in the interesting way, but bitter in the self-pitying, just-plain-@#%$-stupid way.
"As much as I believe the galactic deterioration rate mirrors that of the nebulaic frequency, I have no friends and I hate the world. Bye I have to listen to some LINKIN PARK."
Internet Nerd: One of the most annoying classes of hated people, the Internet Nerd has NO friends at all and is somewhat unaware of what an incredible loser he is. While certainly it has occured to him that no human female has ever expressed any sort of interest in him whatsoever and he is a rather heinous social outcast, his self-esteem still isn't as low as it should be. This is likely from the ten hours a day he spends chatting with other losers, who all assure him that he is perfectly normal. And unlike the Nerd, the Internet Nerd lacks any sort of intelligence, making his speech utterly unintelligible.
"hey guyz i g0t beet uP agen @ sk00l 2day meen ppl sux0rz LOL!
Internet Gangsta: Extremely common on the internet, this is the sort of pseudo-thug you might find hanging out -- by himself or with one or two loser friends -- at a mall in a middle class suberb, decked out in "ill gear yo". The Internet Gangsta has no friends yet still feels the need to identify himself with inner-city culture, citing his "HOMIES" as his spiritual grounding in the harsh world of being raised in an upper middle-class house with an allowance. He will generally resort to threats of physical violence when backed into a corner, and spends much of his time impersonating a "tru gangsta" on retarded "freestyling" boards. Isn't the point of freestyle rapping -- something that even I'll admit takes some talent -- that it be, you know, FREESTYLE, as opposed to you fetching words out of Thesaurus.com? Ass.
"yo h0mie G-DAWg wut wut we b chillin like a MUDDAFUCKA"
Gangsta: Gangstas, unlike Internet Gangstas, are few are far between on the internet. This is because actual gangsters have better things to do than post on your stupid message board. Nonetheless, Gangstas are typically unintelligent, inarticulate and often just plain stupid. They feel the need to push their unwavering and ultimately stereotypical musical tastes on anyone and everyone they meet. Threats of phyiscal violence are constant and repetitive, as it will NEVER dawn on a Gangsta that he will never meet anyone he speaks to on the internet in real life. The Gangsta is appallingly chauvinist and objectifies women as a way of life.
Juggalo: As much as I despise Gangstas and Internet Gangstas, it takes a special kind of moron to belong to this musical clique. Juggalos -- as they have inexplicably labeled themselves -- are fans of the "Insane Clown Posse", possibly the worst rap group ever to walk the face of the earth. The annoying nature of their grating, tone-deaf beats and metally deficient lyrics is matched only by the annoying nature of their idiot fans. Equipped with their own lingo and an elitist attitude that, given (as far as I understand it) most ICP songs are about having no friends, killing your girlfriend and generally being a socially inept douchebag, is as bizarre as it is frightening, the goal of Juggalos on the internet is to generally piss off everyone else who dares stray near them. Their entire lives revolve around the Insane Clown Posse and their idiotic music, and anyone who dares say a word against them is immediately met with a swarm of poorly-written death threats from hundreds of pale, overweight white kids. Oh yeah, I may have left that part out: since 99% of all ICP songs are about "stabbin" or "gunnin" or some such retarded bullshit, every Juggalo is absolutely obsessed with violence -- ironic, since they're all middle-class white kids whose only experience with violent acts is getting the @#%$ kicked out of them by just about everyone. Common to all Juggalos is an absolute hatred of all homosexuals (mostly since they are sexually frustrated teenagers who are compensating for a small penis). I hate them all. Yes, you little @#%$, my email is parkinglotnomad@hotmail.com. Send me your hate. It fuels the fire.
"yo wer u the 1 who tlak3d s*ht bout the ICP"
Internet Tough Guy: Most Juggalos fall into this category as well, but it is worth mentioning since many Internet Tough Guys come from other backgrounds. The phrase "Internet Tough Guy" was coined by Something Awful, originally, and in a general sense applies to anyone who issues a threat of violence over the internet. The innate stupidity of threatening to "FUKIN KIL" anyone on a digital medium is lost on these people. In general, they are hormonal males with a macho bent; they believe that the only way they can prove their studly, manly heterosexual prowess is by typing entirely in capitals and making various insinuations about the violence and sexual violation to be visited upon their target's mother.
Jesus Geek: There is a special place in my heart for this assortment of nimrods. Jesus Geeks, possessed of either average or slightly above average intelligence, are the proud sons and daughters of the computer age. That is to say, they are completely lacking in any social skills whatsoever. They come from both sexes, and Jesus Geeks of either gender are equally pathetic. Because they are social outcasts, they were initially quite bitter. But as a product of having no social lives whatsoever, they have been free to spend ten hours at a time perusing various internet sites and watching shitty cable television. The result? Stumbling upon the marketing genius of Jesus. Either by way of Fox, the website of Jack T. Chick, or GodHatesFags.com, they have been converted to Born Again Christianity and are now living under the influence of Jesus! However, the residual effect of their social rejection is that they are essentially still @#%$ losers who hate everyone -- an attitude which, luckily enough, gels pretty effectively with conservative Christianity! Oblivious to how dimwitted they sound, they spout scripture mindlessly, talking about the love of Jesus. In the next breath, they compassionlessly rip through a tirade on how all homosexuals, Jews, Muslims, and others will burn in hell. Hooray for God!
all fags go to hell OMG WTF LOL"
Jesus Freak: While Jesus Geeks are possessed of moderate intelligence, Jesus Freaks are possessed of none at all. Jesus Freaks are drawn from the pool of semiliterate dirtbags that makes up your high school's [insert manly sport here] team and their cheerleading squad. They are perky, happy, shiny people with very few intelligent thoughts to offer to any conversation on any subject. Because they can throw a football or are even moderately attractive, their teachers' lips have been glued to their asses since the day they set foot in a school. And when enough people tell you you're perfect -- and you're an exemplar of mental inferiority -- you start to believe it! Their meager brainpower puts subjects such as philosophy, politics, science, and BEING ABLE TO SPELL WITH ANY DEGREE OF EFFECTIVENESS AT ALL far our of their reach. When you're this stupid, the world seems like a wonderful place, so they've had no reason to ever question any sort of religious bullshit fed to them. They eat it all up, failing to contemplate any aspect of their religion, since being a nice, Christian individual is all part of their careful plot to seem sensitive and sweet. Right up to the point they end up @#%$ one another in the back of daddy's BMW. Next!
I can't even @#%$ be bothered. Just place some random, almost ridiculously poorly-written Christian rock lyric here, filled with stunningly sensitive references to Jesus.
Arrogant Geek: You know this sort of geek. Arrogant Geek is that guy who was always quoting Socrates in high school. He's the one who looks around as if he owns the world despite being a complete reject devoid of any friends or, for that matter, forseeable success in his future. Despite considering himself a free-thinking intellectual, he really possesses no divergent ideas of his own. No, like the many other success stories of the American public schooling system, he simply spews out the thoughts and ideas of others as if he, Mighty Fifteen Year Old that he is, is the first to discover that Plato wrote some books and they've got some pretty good ideas in there! Good job dickshit. Look, I know all about Socrates, and Plato, and Aristotle, and the fall of the Roman Empire, so how about you just get bent, okay?
"Ah, ah, ah, that is quite Socratic of you, but did Socrates not himself write [random theological statement likely about Socrates' vision of a conscience]?"
No, Socrates never wrote anything, you ass.
smartguy111 Has Logged Off.
MUSIC FAN OMG WTF LOL: MUSIC FAN OMG WTF LOL is a highly stupid product of the commericialization of western society. Indiscriminately gobbling down even the most horrid and pointless popular music, this category of @#%$ seems almost determined to exist in clear defiance of good taste. Unable to understand why people criticize music -- since it's "JSUT UR OPINON LOL!!!!1 OMG WTF" -- MUSIC FAN wants to be some sort of idiotic musical Mahatma, bringing peace to all! Oh, unless they listen to music that equates to more than just record company-sponsored kereoke.
Pretentious Music Loser: Pretentious Music Loser is a lot like MUSIC FAN OMG WTF LOL, in that he too is a conformist drone with all the intellectual capacity for divergent thought of my cat. However, if possible, he is worse, because he wraps that mindless attempt at whoring for popularity in a sugar coating of bullshit and pretention. Pretentious Music Loser comes in two varieties, specifically. The first is personified by the braindead dork who has inadvertantly bought into the bullshit of one of the equally corporate bands that form the profitable anti-Britney Spears movement started by the same record labels that publish Ms. Spears' music. They feel that they are somehow more enlightened than everyone else because they listen to such retarded commercialistic horseshit as Nickleback or the faux-sincere idiocy of Creed. The other variety is the square-framed-glasses-wearing pretentious ass clown that is in love with a bunch of tone deaf independant bands whose only claim to fame (or lack thereof) is that they've yet to learn to play their instruments or sing with any degree of effectiveness. This essentially renders their music an unlistenable stream of muted, poorly played riffs and screaming which, while acting as a repellant to most with more than 7 IQ points, is perfect for the sort of pseudo-intellectual jerk who wants to feel special because he has an above-average tolerance level for tuneless nonsense.
"Creed helped me get through my breakup with my boyfriend! Their lyrics are so deep!!!!!!!! I HAVE TO GO WATCH MTV NOW BYE."
Cheerleader Whore: What is there to say about this sort of idiot? She is arrogant in the extreme and believes her @#%$ doesn't stink, because she can fill out a larger bra and her father has more money. After so many years on the cheerleading squad and student council, she has honestly bought into her perky bullshit. In effect, she is a complete nimrod who lives to attract attention through her looks. Unfortunately, this is the internet, and unless you are a porn star you attract just as much attention as ugly girls with your pointless, vapid comments. She is a conformist whore who hates homosexuals, black people, Jews, and other minorities, and exists only to give birth to more white, blonde, Republican children. Her redeeming quality is that she has a great deal of ambition to help the impovrished and less fortunate of our world, like little kittens in downtown New York -- thought of course this is little more than fruitless ambition as she will ultimately become a pregnant housewife. Wait, did I say redeeming? I meant most annoying.
"omfg i dont think u shud say thigs like that gtg go 2 cherleader prac OMG im so beautiful"
Bimbo: Sorry, did I say the Cheerleader Whore was pointless and vapid? Bimbo takes it to an extreme, lacking the innate ambitionless prejudice of the Cheerleader but making up for it in an UTTER AND COMPLETE LACK OF COGNISANT THOUGHT, Bimbo has only one skill -- driving sexually frustrated nerds wild with her antics. These antics include posting vaguely sexual comments and... no, no that's it. The attention that gets lavished on @#%$ like this is ridiculous, particularly since most internet users are too geeky and inept to know that a girl like this is already being taken advantage of by about six different guys. She'll drop out of school and be pregnant at seventeen. Until then she's a fountain of happiness and love!
"hehehehe ur so cute i gtg go get @#%$ in the ass by my boyfriend"
eSlut: The eSlut is actually an ugly, nerdy social reject who has taken to the internet as the last refuge for unattractive people who want to pretend they'll ever have sex. She flaunts her sexuality, playing the role of a brainless skank with skill only a person able to spend ten hours a day on the computer can, leaving imperceptive idiots (which is almost everyone on the internet) with the impression she is Bimbo or Cheerleader Whore. Nerds fawn over her, tripping over themselves to post clumsy flirtacious comments. Ultimately, she is just as shallow and stupid as Bimbo and Cheerleader for giving into the asinine female stereotype propagated by whatever shitty television shows they've been watching and encouraged by the stupid, sexually desperate geeks on the internet.
"lol *huggles [geek name]* ur so cute u remind me of my last boyfriend LOL email me some time gtg"
Well, that was a lot of hate! Don't ask me what category you fall into; I either don't hate you (which means you don't fall into a category), or I'm not going to tell you because I hate you. Either way it's not worth asking because you won't get a straight answer.
In my next list, coming soon, I'll elaborate on the abhorrent Porno Freak, Furry, Elitist Gamer Nerd, and more!
Each of these sub-groups possesses its own traits, negative and posit -- possesses its own traits. And here they are:
Nerd: Possessed of disproportionate intelligence but absolutely nothing productive to do with it, the Nerd spends most of his time hanging around on boards that discuss various forms of intelligencia, primarily of the scientific variety. They possess few friends and have never had sex, and probably never will. They are quite aware of their abnormal nature and are very bitter. Not bitter in the interesting way, but bitter in the self-pitying, just-plain-@#%$-stupid way.
"As much as I believe the galactic deterioration rate mirrors that of the nebulaic frequency, I have no friends and I hate the world. Bye I have to listen to some LINKIN PARK."
Internet Nerd: One of the most annoying classes of hated people, the Internet Nerd has NO friends at all and is somewhat unaware of what an incredible loser he is. While certainly it has occured to him that no human female has ever expressed any sort of interest in him whatsoever and he is a rather heinous social outcast, his self-esteem still isn't as low as it should be. This is likely from the ten hours a day he spends chatting with other losers, who all assure him that he is perfectly normal. And unlike the Nerd, the Internet Nerd lacks any sort of intelligence, making his speech utterly unintelligible.
"hey guyz i g0t beet uP agen @ sk00l 2day meen ppl sux0rz LOL!
Internet Gangsta: Extremely common on the internet, this is the sort of pseudo-thug you might find hanging out -- by himself or with one or two loser friends -- at a mall in a middle class suberb, decked out in "ill gear yo". The Internet Gangsta has no friends yet still feels the need to identify himself with inner-city culture, citing his "HOMIES" as his spiritual grounding in the harsh world of being raised in an upper middle-class house with an allowance. He will generally resort to threats of physical violence when backed into a corner, and spends much of his time impersonating a "tru gangsta" on retarded "freestyling" boards. Isn't the point of freestyle rapping -- something that even I'll admit takes some talent -- that it be, you know, FREESTYLE, as opposed to you fetching words out of Thesaurus.com? Ass.
"yo h0mie G-DAWg wut wut we b chillin like a MUDDAFUCKA"
Gangsta: Gangstas, unlike Internet Gangstas, are few are far between on the internet. This is because actual gangsters have better things to do than post on your stupid message board. Nonetheless, Gangstas are typically unintelligent, inarticulate and often just plain stupid. They feel the need to push their unwavering and ultimately stereotypical musical tastes on anyone and everyone they meet. Threats of phyiscal violence are constant and repetitive, as it will NEVER dawn on a Gangsta that he will never meet anyone he speaks to on the internet in real life. The Gangsta is appallingly chauvinist and objectifies women as a way of life.
Juggalo: As much as I despise Gangstas and Internet Gangstas, it takes a special kind of moron to belong to this musical clique. Juggalos -- as they have inexplicably labeled themselves -- are fans of the "Insane Clown Posse", possibly the worst rap group ever to walk the face of the earth. The annoying nature of their grating, tone-deaf beats and metally deficient lyrics is matched only by the annoying nature of their idiot fans. Equipped with their own lingo and an elitist attitude that, given (as far as I understand it) most ICP songs are about having no friends, killing your girlfriend and generally being a socially inept douchebag, is as bizarre as it is frightening, the goal of Juggalos on the internet is to generally piss off everyone else who dares stray near them. Their entire lives revolve around the Insane Clown Posse and their idiotic music, and anyone who dares say a word against them is immediately met with a swarm of poorly-written death threats from hundreds of pale, overweight white kids. Oh yeah, I may have left that part out: since 99% of all ICP songs are about "stabbin" or "gunnin" or some such retarded bullshit, every Juggalo is absolutely obsessed with violence -- ironic, since they're all middle-class white kids whose only experience with violent acts is getting the @#%$ kicked out of them by just about everyone. Common to all Juggalos is an absolute hatred of all homosexuals (mostly since they are sexually frustrated teenagers who are compensating for a small penis). I hate them all. Yes, you little @#%$, my email is parkinglotnomad@hotmail.com. Send me your hate. It fuels the fire.
"yo wer u the 1 who tlak3d s*ht bout the ICP"
Internet Tough Guy: Most Juggalos fall into this category as well, but it is worth mentioning since many Internet Tough Guys come from other backgrounds. The phrase "Internet Tough Guy" was coined by Something Awful, originally, and in a general sense applies to anyone who issues a threat of violence over the internet. The innate stupidity of threatening to "FUKIN KIL" anyone on a digital medium is lost on these people. In general, they are hormonal males with a macho bent; they believe that the only way they can prove their studly, manly heterosexual prowess is by typing entirely in capitals and making various insinuations about the violence and sexual violation to be visited upon their target's mother.
Jesus Geek: There is a special place in my heart for this assortment of nimrods. Jesus Geeks, possessed of either average or slightly above average intelligence, are the proud sons and daughters of the computer age. That is to say, they are completely lacking in any social skills whatsoever. They come from both sexes, and Jesus Geeks of either gender are equally pathetic. Because they are social outcasts, they were initially quite bitter. But as a product of having no social lives whatsoever, they have been free to spend ten hours at a time perusing various internet sites and watching shitty cable television. The result? Stumbling upon the marketing genius of Jesus. Either by way of Fox, the website of Jack T. Chick, or GodHatesFags.com, they have been converted to Born Again Christianity and are now living under the influence of Jesus! However, the residual effect of their social rejection is that they are essentially still @#%$ losers who hate everyone -- an attitude which, luckily enough, gels pretty effectively with conservative Christianity! Oblivious to how dimwitted they sound, they spout scripture mindlessly, talking about the love of Jesus. In the next breath, they compassionlessly rip through a tirade on how all homosexuals, Jews, Muslims, and others will burn in hell. Hooray for God!
all fags go to hell OMG WTF LOL"
Jesus Freak: While Jesus Geeks are possessed of moderate intelligence, Jesus Freaks are possessed of none at all. Jesus Freaks are drawn from the pool of semiliterate dirtbags that makes up your high school's [insert manly sport here] team and their cheerleading squad. They are perky, happy, shiny people with very few intelligent thoughts to offer to any conversation on any subject. Because they can throw a football or are even moderately attractive, their teachers' lips have been glued to their asses since the day they set foot in a school. And when enough people tell you you're perfect -- and you're an exemplar of mental inferiority -- you start to believe it! Their meager brainpower puts subjects such as philosophy, politics, science, and BEING ABLE TO SPELL WITH ANY DEGREE OF EFFECTIVENESS AT ALL far our of their reach. When you're this stupid, the world seems like a wonderful place, so they've had no reason to ever question any sort of religious bullshit fed to them. They eat it all up, failing to contemplate any aspect of their religion, since being a nice, Christian individual is all part of their careful plot to seem sensitive and sweet. Right up to the point they end up @#%$ one another in the back of daddy's BMW. Next!
I can't even @#%$ be bothered. Just place some random, almost ridiculously poorly-written Christian rock lyric here, filled with stunningly sensitive references to Jesus.
Arrogant Geek: You know this sort of geek. Arrogant Geek is that guy who was always quoting Socrates in high school. He's the one who looks around as if he owns the world despite being a complete reject devoid of any friends or, for that matter, forseeable success in his future. Despite considering himself a free-thinking intellectual, he really possesses no divergent ideas of his own. No, like the many other success stories of the American public schooling system, he simply spews out the thoughts and ideas of others as if he, Mighty Fifteen Year Old that he is, is the first to discover that Plato wrote some books and they've got some pretty good ideas in there! Good job dickshit. Look, I know all about Socrates, and Plato, and Aristotle, and the fall of the Roman Empire, so how about you just get bent, okay?
"Ah, ah, ah, that is quite Socratic of you, but did Socrates not himself write [random theological statement likely about Socrates' vision of a conscience]?"
No, Socrates never wrote anything, you ass.
smartguy111 Has Logged Off.
MUSIC FAN OMG WTF LOL: MUSIC FAN OMG WTF LOL is a highly stupid product of the commericialization of western society. Indiscriminately gobbling down even the most horrid and pointless popular music, this category of @#%$ seems almost determined to exist in clear defiance of good taste. Unable to understand why people criticize music -- since it's "JSUT UR OPINON LOL!!!!1 OMG WTF" -- MUSIC FAN wants to be some sort of idiotic musical Mahatma, bringing peace to all! Oh, unless they listen to music that equates to more than just record company-sponsored kereoke.
Pretentious Music Loser: Pretentious Music Loser is a lot like MUSIC FAN OMG WTF LOL, in that he too is a conformist drone with all the intellectual capacity for divergent thought of my cat. However, if possible, he is worse, because he wraps that mindless attempt at whoring for popularity in a sugar coating of bullshit and pretention. Pretentious Music Loser comes in two varieties, specifically. The first is personified by the braindead dork who has inadvertantly bought into the bullshit of one of the equally corporate bands that form the profitable anti-Britney Spears movement started by the same record labels that publish Ms. Spears' music. They feel that they are somehow more enlightened than everyone else because they listen to such retarded commercialistic horseshit as Nickleback or the faux-sincere idiocy of Creed. The other variety is the square-framed-glasses-wearing pretentious ass clown that is in love with a bunch of tone deaf independant bands whose only claim to fame (or lack thereof) is that they've yet to learn to play their instruments or sing with any degree of effectiveness. This essentially renders their music an unlistenable stream of muted, poorly played riffs and screaming which, while acting as a repellant to most with more than 7 IQ points, is perfect for the sort of pseudo-intellectual jerk who wants to feel special because he has an above-average tolerance level for tuneless nonsense.
"Creed helped me get through my breakup with my boyfriend! Their lyrics are so deep!!!!!!!! I HAVE TO GO WATCH MTV NOW BYE."
Cheerleader Whore: What is there to say about this sort of idiot? She is arrogant in the extreme and believes her @#%$ doesn't stink, because she can fill out a larger bra and her father has more money. After so many years on the cheerleading squad and student council, she has honestly bought into her perky bullshit. In effect, she is a complete nimrod who lives to attract attention through her looks. Unfortunately, this is the internet, and unless you are a porn star you attract just as much attention as ugly girls with your pointless, vapid comments. She is a conformist whore who hates homosexuals, black people, Jews, and other minorities, and exists only to give birth to more white, blonde, Republican children. Her redeeming quality is that she has a great deal of ambition to help the impovrished and less fortunate of our world, like little kittens in downtown New York -- thought of course this is little more than fruitless ambition as she will ultimately become a pregnant housewife. Wait, did I say redeeming? I meant most annoying.
"omfg i dont think u shud say thigs like that gtg go 2 cherleader prac OMG im so beautiful"
Bimbo: Sorry, did I say the Cheerleader Whore was pointless and vapid? Bimbo takes it to an extreme, lacking the innate ambitionless prejudice of the Cheerleader but making up for it in an UTTER AND COMPLETE LACK OF COGNISANT THOUGHT, Bimbo has only one skill -- driving sexually frustrated nerds wild with her antics. These antics include posting vaguely sexual comments and... no, no that's it. The attention that gets lavished on @#%$ like this is ridiculous, particularly since most internet users are too geeky and inept to know that a girl like this is already being taken advantage of by about six different guys. She'll drop out of school and be pregnant at seventeen. Until then she's a fountain of happiness and love!
"hehehehe ur so cute i gtg go get @#%$ in the ass by my boyfriend"
eSlut: The eSlut is actually an ugly, nerdy social reject who has taken to the internet as the last refuge for unattractive people who want to pretend they'll ever have sex. She flaunts her sexuality, playing the role of a brainless skank with skill only a person able to spend ten hours a day on the computer can, leaving imperceptive idiots (which is almost everyone on the internet) with the impression she is Bimbo or Cheerleader Whore. Nerds fawn over her, tripping over themselves to post clumsy flirtacious comments. Ultimately, she is just as shallow and stupid as Bimbo and Cheerleader for giving into the asinine female stereotype propagated by whatever shitty television shows they've been watching and encouraged by the stupid, sexually desperate geeks on the internet.
"lol *huggles [geek name]* ur so cute u remind me of my last boyfriend LOL email me some time gtg"
Well, that was a lot of hate! Don't ask me what category you fall into; I either don't hate you (which means you don't fall into a category), or I'm not going to tell you because I hate you. Either way it's not worth asking because you won't get a straight answer.
In my next list, coming soon, I'll elaborate on the abhorrent Porno Freak, Furry, Elitist Gamer Nerd, and more!