Ok, so I said to some of you that I am making a TRF RPG game, but talk is just talk, so I decided that to prove my effort, I'm going to show you some of the screenshots of the incomplete game! (lucky you!) Now currently the biggest fumbling block is finding out why the program isn't letting me convert all this data into a game, but once I figure it out, I'd be more then happy to provide demo copies to all.
Imperial Command, meeting on the subject of war.
Around the table, from the bottom left corner (blue hair green cape), clockwise to the bottom right corner (black haired girl with pony tail).
Telan, Geval, Chau, Simon Regent Hyfe, Isard, Tracta, Zell, Drayson. Lup and Kraken are dead by this point in the game and are not included.
Federation (what I call the combined Coalition Soverinty faction for now) High Command meeting, except in super secret military base beneath the mountains.
In the middle, in the blue suit is Marth Meer. The man in brown and yellow is Jan Doddona, the green robe is in fact Fraktusk (milkshake) seen at an angle, the grey things are Azguards, the one in white is Regrad (me), and the man with white pants, blue suit, and big glasses is Vyren Quell.
Combat: Vyren Quell and Regrad versus some holographic stormtroopers.
The combat system is like Final Fantasy 7 and the like, so pretty simple, but sometimes I add special moves and dialogue mid-battle to make things more interesting.
More screenshots on the way!
Imperial Command, meeting on the subject of war.
Around the table, from the bottom left corner (blue hair green cape), clockwise to the bottom right corner (black haired girl with pony tail).
Telan, Geval, Chau, Simon Regent Hyfe, Isard, Tracta, Zell, Drayson. Lup and Kraken are dead by this point in the game and are not included.
Federation (what I call the combined Coalition Soverinty faction for now) High Command meeting, except in super secret military base beneath the mountains.
In the middle, in the blue suit is Marth Meer. The man in brown and yellow is Jan Doddona, the green robe is in fact Fraktusk (milkshake) seen at an angle, the grey things are Azguards, the one in white is Regrad (me), and the man with white pants, blue suit, and big glasses is Vyren Quell.
Combat: Vyren Quell and Regrad versus some holographic stormtroopers.
The combat system is like Final Fantasy 7 and the like, so pretty simple, but sometimes I add special moves and dialogue mid-battle to make things more interesting.
More screenshots on the way!