Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Mar 2 2004 4:37am
A bit of a long-shot, but here goes.

Ok, Squaresoft recently released a game for Nintendo that's just great, called Crystal Chronicles. I doubt its' the sort of game enjoyed by those who frequent those boards, but just in case anyone has played it, I have a question.

HOW DO YOU GET THE PLOT STARTED??? It's driving me up the wall. The plot! I can't find it! Ever Final Fantasy game has a twisty, twervy plot. This one hasn't even got a plot, just a motivation.

You're supposed to find this Myrrh stuff to keep a crystal thing going, but you could - quite easily- keep that up indefinetly by continuing to explore the same first dungeons over and over. In fact, the only thing driving players on (it seems) to tougher and further afield levels is just the challenge! THERE IS NO STORY ARCH HERE. Usually even the worse game has a beginning, rising action, climax, then a little wrap-up scene. This is just indefinit dungeon-delving forever-and-ever-and-ever, at least to me.

However, people who I can't contact like magazine writers and internet personalities (well, I could contact them, but they wouldn't contact back) suggest that the game IS beatable, that there IS an objective sooner or later, but I can't find it.

Anyone know what the hell you're supposed to do?
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Mar 2 2004 4:44am
I have not played the game, but I would assume that you could either buy a Prima game guide, or go to your nearest B&N, and read a game guide for a while, to get some tips.

Or you could check out, or
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Mar 2 2004 7:31am
Fock dot.

The game HAS no plot. It's Guantlet with Final Fantasy characters.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Mar 2 2004 6:24pm
But even GAUNDLET had an objective. AKA Kill giant demon. This is just "Clear out three dungeons and then return, then repeat".
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Mar 3 2004 3:19am
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Mar 5 2004 4:12am
It won't let me go there.

Does it say what the plot's about?
  • Posted On: Mar 5 2004 9:46am
The plot is to get that stuff to build the giant crystals to protect your city from the gas @#%$... I couldn't play this game very long before I gave up... they should drop the "Final Fantasy" title and call it something like.. Guy in a Bubble who throws stuff and looks like a Cupie Doll.. or.. well that's all I've got... they trick you into thinking that playing 2 players and hooking up to a GBA is cool but in reality it sucks... in a 2 player game one player has to carry around that stupid crystal the whole time so you don't get poisoned and the GBA controller does little more than not work as well as a regular Gamecube controller and provide a menu which might take 2 inches of space on your TV screen... all this game is trying to do is profit off of the Final Fantasy name...
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Mar 5 2004 4:43pm
There's a plot in there somewhere...

There has to be!

*keeps looking*
  • Posted On: Mar 5 2004 9:56pm
Dolash I just told you the plot but I don't think it goes any deeper than that... I think they exchanged plot for giving you the ability to play this game with 2 players...
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Mar 6 2004 10:05pm
No, wait, I found it.

You have to refill the Jargon river so you can visit the desert, and in the desert you find the Holy Calibration for the Chalice. Then you can go to a sealed portion of the world, destroy the Miasma-causing-bad-guy, learn about the power of memories, fight a kick-ass battle using memories you accumulated during the game as weapons (so firking cool) and then all the miasma goes away, there's a party, and then the credits roll (plus some more coolness).