The Battle of Cannae
When Fabuis' tenure as dictator expired, the consuls for 216, Lueius Paullus and Gaius Varro, took charge of the war against Hannibal. On learning that Hannibal had captured the Roman depot at Cannae, in Apulia, the consuls decided to go into battle, and Hannibal now faced two formidable armies. However, at Cannae he again selected ground favourable to his tactics and strong cavalry. While the Romans relied on their superior numbers and their fighting skill. Hannibal's plan called for his cavalry, positioned on the flanks of a crescent-shaped line, to defeat the Roman horsemen quickly and to attack from the rear at the crucial moment as the Roman infantry pressed upon a weakened centre of Spaniards and Gauls. His superior African troops were to press from the flanks and complete the encirclement. The plan succccded and the Romans suf-fered 25.000 dead and l0,000 captured.
that`s all came in mind for now....
When Fabuis' tenure as dictator expired, the consuls for 216, Lueius Paullus and Gaius Varro, took charge of the war against Hannibal. On learning that Hannibal had captured the Roman depot at Cannae, in Apulia, the consuls decided to go into battle, and Hannibal now faced two formidable armies. However, at Cannae he again selected ground favourable to his tactics and strong cavalry. While the Romans relied on their superior numbers and their fighting skill. Hannibal's plan called for his cavalry, positioned on the flanks of a crescent-shaped line, to defeat the Roman horsemen quickly and to attack from the rear at the crucial moment as the Roman infantry pressed upon a weakened centre of Spaniards and Gauls. His superior African troops were to press from the flanks and complete the encirclement. The plan succccded and the Romans suf-fered 25.000 dead and l0,000 captured.
that`s all came in mind for now....