Posted On:
Nov 28 2001 1:36am
Luke, yoda, qui gon , amidala/padme --*natalieportman is HOT!*
Posted On:
Nov 28 2001 4:58pm
Every character has some quality I like but here are my faves.....
PT: Jar Jar
OT: Han
Jar Jar is my #1 fave because I can relate to him more than any other character. But then, I also like Han because of his resolve and his personality. Both of them make mistakes which gives them a more human apeal. Jar Jar is more of an everyman than Han.
Han can handle situations better than Jar Jar because he has way way WAY more confidence. What Jar Jar needs is a confidant - someone who can mentor him. Qui-Gon doesn't count because he treated him like an unwanted floppy-eared step-child.
Regardless of what his verbal assailants might argue, Jar Jar is the Luke of the PT.
Posted On:
Nov 30 2001 1:01am
Mmm...I've always conceived Vader as vindictive and belligerent to a positive extent, although powerful when it comes to inner controversy.
A fantastic character altogether!
Posted On:
Nov 30 2001 1:15am
I loved the guy in ROTJ in the generator control center who says, "You reble scum" it would be so awsome to have that part as a tiny part.
I also like Boba Fett because he was so mysterious
Posted On:
Jan 10 2002 4:19pm
I like Darth Vader and Emperor sidious. They are a couple of bad ass sith. After Vader killed the emperor, he should have killed luke and taken control of everything.
Posted On:
Jan 14 2002 8:21am
I like Zuckuss. You only see him for a couple of seconds in ESB but I like that character the most none the less.
Posted On:
Jan 14 2002 6:56pm
Padme and slave Leia. No explanation needed.
Posted On:
Jan 15 2002 12:59pm
MACE WINDU! Kick-ass Jedi Master on hottest Jedi ALIOVE!!!!
Posted On:
Jan 27 2002 3:33am
"Han Solo. Even as old a fart he is now, he's sex-ay."
Posted On:
Jan 28 2002 10:46pm