Yeah, the Revolution looks preeeeetty. GC games, DVD's, and Nintendo's entire game library available for download. Hot!
E3 (Kas will want to read this)
I personally think the Revolution looks rather ugly...oh well, maybe I'll grow to like it.
It's ugly? It's sleek... it looks compact, like a modem. Very easy to miss.
The X-Box, meanwhile, stands out and is impossible not to notice. But it looks kinda okay, so it's forgiven. Their controller, though, not so hot
The PS3? Ugly. Though the controller looks cool, though it will not be as easy to get used to as the current gen PS2 or GC controllers.
All in all, I think Revolution is by a large margin the smoothest looking system. Though I don't know what they are thinking with the lime.
PS3 looks like an old-ass mac printer and the controller looks very uncomfortable, though I'm sure it's been tested and proven.
Xbox looks ok, huge change from the 1st one, but cool.
Revolution looks tight, what do the controllers look like?
Xbox looks ok, huge change from the 1st one, but cool.
Revolution looks tight, what do the controllers look like?
The PS3 has 7, 3.2ghz chips . . .
When looking at specs, don't forget the lies Sony spread about the PS2 last time around. Besides that, the Cell architechure isn't designed so you can measure the chips seperatly. Or something.