Do Not Vote Conservative, Ahnk
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Jun 16 2004 9:36pm
According to Dolash, Ahnk, you've decided to vote conservative. This is evidently because you don't think straight or listen properly to Mr. Matthew Good. I thought I would list off a few facts for you.

- Steven Harper is anti-choice. I don't give a shit what he says about free votes, the man doesn't even think women are people nevermind having the right to do what they will with themselves.
- Steven Harper is anti-gay marriage. He will roll back everything that Canadians have worked so hard to accomplish. Are you willing to submit Canada to four years of human rights abuse?
- Steven Harper was and is in favor of a war in Iraq. He is in favor of war with anything that isn't full of white Christians.
- Steven Harper is from Alberta.
- Steven Harper is in favor of capital punishment.
- Steven Harper is in charge of a party that is basically 90% Canadian Alliance. Notice how the "progressive" is gone? It wasn't a merger, it was a takeover, pay attention.
- Are you paying attention? You are voting for the party Stockwell Day used to run. Stockwell "The World Was Made in Seven Days By the Lord Jesus Christ and I Don't Want Evolution Taught In The Lord's Schools" Day.
- Steven Harper thinks that God and Jesus will save all things.
- Steven Harper will put every non-debateable moral issue on the books to a vote in parliament because he doesn't understand the concept of "minority rights".
- Steven Harper has his hand in the pocket of every oil corporation in Alberta ready to give them handjobs.
- Steven Harper will cut taxes massively. If you're so concerned with financial mismanagement, why vote for a party that will end up giving corporations subisidies and run out of cash, plunging us into deep defeceit?
- Steven Harper has his tongue so far up George W. Bush's asshole he can't taste the difference between shit and French fries. He will adopt every fascist Republican policy he can think of until he finally just starts photocopying American bills and submitting them in Parliament.
- Steven Harper will create two-tier health care that will give rich fucks like him superior access to health care and everyone else fuck all. While corporations take on health care responsibilities and jack up costs, the government will put less and less money into the public system. Is the health care system broken? Yes. Funamentally broken? No. If you hand it to Steven Harper, he will literally rape the system until it dies a cold American death.
- Steven Harper is a bastard. Do you think that the sponsorship scandal was bad? Money like that gets thrown away before breakfast by guys like Steven Harper in the States. It's just that Harper is smart, and Chretien's friends were dumb; Chretien's people just gave money away, but Harper will give it away and call it "nurturing industry".
- Steven Harper will kick Quebec out of Canada and tell them not to let the door hit them on the way out.
- Steven Harper will involve us in the Star Wars missile system, throwing away billions in a stupid ass system that will weaponize space and find new and creative ways to start wars.
- Steven Harper is not an advocate of the middle and lower class, he is an advocate of the elite.
- And once he's done all of these things, he will start in on the rest of the conservative agenda. And that means God and Jesus splattered all over the country in big red paint, mucking up every progressive advance since Trudeau. Just society for the rich maybe, and a good hard fuck in the ass for everyone else.

Now do not vote Conservative, you and every other Canadian on this board, I implore you. If you have a vendetta against the Liberals and NDP then vote Green. For the love of god do not vote Steven Harper into the Prime Minister's office.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jun 16 2004 10:34pm
Er, yeah. Just thought you would like to know that I wrote up a reply to this, but deleted it because you'll regurgitate your tired old insults, yet again. :)
Posts: 414
  • Posted On: Jun 16 2004 10:38pm
Er, yeah. Just thought you would like to know eat me. Could you be anymore condescending? This thread is an appeal to a person with a conscience, not to you.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Jun 16 2004 10:41pm
Er, yeah. Just through you would like to know eat me. Could you be anymore condescending? This thread is an appeal to a person with a liberal conscience, not to you. Go fight a windmill or something. It's not like you know anything about Canadian politics anyway.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jun 16 2004 10:54pm
I figure you poke in American politics so much, I might as well poke in yours. :)
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Jun 16 2004 10:54pm
If I were able to vote, I sure as hell wouldn't be voting for the Conservatives. I've never liked them since I actually started learning about their party views. Not to mention their candidate for my ridding just spits out the party platform, but doesn't say what he is going to do for our town.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Jun 16 2004 11:05pm
You know what the difference is Kas? That I watch hours of CNN everyday and you probably don't even know what the Canadian parties are. Frankly you would have no reason to.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Jun 17 2004 12:06am
Heh. I told Dolash I had no intention of voting Steven Harper into Office. The Liberals will win the election. I just want to make sure they have a minority government, and by pandering to both the Christian majority of Alberta and Northern B.C., and the Seperatist vote in Quebec, he has a chance to split the vote.

He'll never win. He's far too much of a facist asshole to get into office. But he's better then Stockwell as an offical oppositioner.
Posts: 414
  • Posted On: Jun 17 2004 12:12am
Don't be sure Ahnk. It's on the fence man. It's a dangerous road that people like you are leading us down. The number of people who actually support the sort of frightening American policies Harper does are so few and far between but everyone is just voting in opposition to the Liberals. Harper might get into office and if he does are you fuckers ever going to be crying your eyes out.

Never underestimate the ability of Canadian voters to act rashly and vote in opposition of what they believe. If you plan on voting for Harper I suggest never getting sick again, or getting a very bloody good credit card.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jun 17 2004 1:05am
He's right. What I bet is gonna happen is that the Conservatives win, and then suddenly the majority of Canadians will be upset with this, because they didn't want the Conservatives to win, they just wanted to lower the Liberals a peg.

Its' gonna be so weird...

Oh, and something which underlines the primary difference between Canadian and American politics: On our debates, there were four candidates of four parties that were likely to score over ten percent minimum each. In American debates, they have two guys, neck and neck.