CoD 5: World at War
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Nov 14 2008 1:52pm
I give this game a solid: Meh.

It's really more of the same from a title I have come to think of as the leader in World War shooters. By no means as innovative as CoD 4, but still good. The story is excellent, a very immersive WWII perspective. Sadly, given how much of a smash Modern Warfare was on console, I was really expecting more from the game in terms of innovation.

The graphics are about on par with CoD 4 which isn't saying much given the time between the two and the multiplayer aspect is pretty much the same thing just with a different skin. The engine isn't all that special, typical of the title really.

A good renter and one I'll buy when I find it for a better price.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Nov 14 2008 2:29pm
I played the Xbox multiplayer beta/demo. My impressions are that WaW is a WWII mod for Modern Warfare. Basically the same thing as Modern Warfare but with different guns and maps.
Posts: 2164
  • Posted On: Nov 14 2008 2:55pm

Glad I didn't bother, heh.