I liked spy movies where the star actually... spied. It seems the new trend for the genre is that, where guys like Micheal Cain and Robert Culp were good enough, if they don't have Matrix-powers and Superman strength...
It was a good film. If a bit over the top. As far as genre films go, the last one I really enjoyed was the Good Sheppard and Breach.
I didn't mind it. It was a decent action flick, but I think they might have gone a bit further than reality would otherwise allow... some of those stunts were a little over the top.
None the less, I do enjoy the Bourne movies. I enjoy the gritty realism (for the most part), but can understand the need to make action sequences a little more far fetched - if only for the sake of competing with other action movies that go way over the top.
Going into the Bourne Ultimatum expecting to see an intelligent spy flick will leave you walking out going "Enh...it was okay." like most of you guys did.
Go see it again, but this time go in expecting to see 2 hours of Matt Damon beating the shit out of people, and you'll be like "OMGZ! AWESOME!" as you're leaving the theater.
I haven't even read any of the novels, but from what I've heard they're not even the same story are they? It sounds like the movies are just loosely based on the character of Bourne.
From what I understand, that seems to be the case, yes. Seems they simplified him for the movies, considerably, and focused simply on telling the tale.
The first three novels, Bourne Identity, Supremacy and Ultimatum were written by Robert Ludlum who died, I think around the making of the first film. Yes, the movies are far different from the books (the only consistency being the amnesia and the names of some characters).
There are two books written by another author, I think about the time the first movie was released giving popularity of the character. These books are the Bourne Legacy and the latest, The Bourne Betrayal. I haven't read these last two books to see who close the original author's work this new guy remains.
Except the star in this case is an EX-spy on the run. And he did spy a couple of times, the first example of which at the end of the second one where he's looking over Pamela Landy.