Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Aug 21 2007 10:59pm
BioShock came out today. I've been waiting for a long time for this game. I'm gonna pick it up but fear my aging laptop won't be able to run it very well if at all. I need one of you chumps with a computer with some balls to buy this game asap, play it, and let me know how it is. So far the reviews I've seen have been most excellent, so you won't be disappointed.
Posts: 3599
  • Posted On: Aug 22 2007 12:08am
Computers with Balls!

The next generation of home entertainment...
Posts: 151
  • Posted On: Aug 22 2007 2:51am
I plan on purchasing a 360 just for this game. It's pure chance that I'll be able to delve into Gears, Oblivion and Assassins Creed.

Mmmm, bioshock.
Posts: 257
  • Posted On: Aug 22 2007 4:31pm
I just played the demo from Xbox live Marketplace yesterday and the game play was awesome. Little weird but really cool but you can interact with a ton of crap around you instead of it all being fixed and crap.
Posts: 217
  • Posted On: Sep 9 2007 2:23am
It's an awesome game, I just started it, but ten minutes in and I'm hooked.
Posts: 153
  • Posted On: Sep 9 2007 2:54am
I've played it for a little bit as well. It's fairly good, and there are multiple ways of going about things, and this does lead to different endings depending on how you...treat...some people.
Posts: 2164
  • Posted On: Sep 9 2007 4:24am
I initially liked it, as well. However, toward about half way I found myself getting tired of progressing in a 1 step forward, 2 steps back fashion. You continously backtrack to complete objectives, and it grows tiresome when you've (almost literally) just been where you have to return - which so happens to be on the other side of the map.

I enjoyed the graphics, the storyline was fairly typical (except for the under water city and all), but in the end I just grew tired of the game play. It was amusing, and I was really into it until about half way, around the time you have to save the forest area...

Not to mention my little brother passed it and told me the end, so now I have no drive to bother completing it.
Posts: 36
  • Posted On: Sep 9 2007 1:36pm
I hate when people give you the end first whether movies or games. Totally takes the fun out of it.
Posts: 217
  • Posted On: Sep 12 2007 1:21pm
Microsoft has thoroughly pissed me off.

I bought the basic 360 because I had no intention of doing anything, but play games and not online. So I go buy and couple older Xbox games thinking I could play them. NOPE. It gives me a message that tells me I need a hard drive to play it. So I say 'ok' stop at my local game stop on my way home from work and buy a hard drive costing me 179.99 plus tax. I ask the guy before I leave the store is this all I need and he nods and tells me yes. Cool, I should be playing my game in no time right? NOPE. The fucking hard drive needs to download updates to be able to play the games that I purchased. A little angry, I suck it up and buy the Xbox live card for a month subscription and an ethernet cable.

So I come home ready to hook up and download these stupid updates. But, unfortunately I don't have a computer, I use my laptop and the modem I connect to is done wirelessly from up stairs (me on the second floor, the modem on the first) so I can't connect (I had thought if I connected my xbox to my laptop they would be connected through the wireless and I was wrong). So I called the xbox support line and it is entirely automated and none of the automated topics can help and there are no actual people standing by to help. Then I try online chat, it's automated, and I try email support and that too is automated.

So I drive back to game stop and ask the guy (not the same guy) what the issue is and he tells me that the xbox can't connect wireless through a computer and that I have to buy the wireless adapter for the xbox. So what we have is 320.00 for the xbox, 179.99 for the hard drive, and now 110.00 for a wireless adapter?

Pure and utter bullshit.

Needless to say I sold the 360 without even finishing BioShock.
Posts: 765
  • Posted On: Sep 12 2007 11:44pm
Damn bro that sucks ass. If you were only gonna use the online capabilities for a short time maybe you should have just tried a long ethernet cable? I don't know what your setup was or anything but I've done that in the past and it's worked well.