Barebones Stats: NJO era ships
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Mar 13 2006 2:34am
Mediator class Battlecruiser

Length: 2,155 meters
Crew: 12,000
Passengers: 3,500
Cargo Capacity: 55,000 metric tonnes
Consumables: 4 years
Hyperdrive Motivator: 1.0 Past Lightspeed
Hyperdrive Backup: 11.0 Past Lightspeed
Sublight Speed: 14 MGLT
Shield Rating: 22,000 SBD (11,000 SBD reserve)
Hull Rating: 15,000 RU
150 Turbolaser Batteries
100 Ion Cannon Batteries
75 Proton Torpedo Launchers
20 Tractor Beam Projectors
Starfighter Carrying Capacity:
6 Squadrons (72) of Starfighters
4 Light Transports
4 Shuttles

Description: Comissioning into the New Republic navy approximatley twenty three years after the battle of Endor, the Mediator class battlecruiser is the latest in a long line of Mon Calamari purpose built combat battleships for the New Republic navy. The Mediator is the largest purpose built warship by the Mon Calamari, almost double the size of the previous MC-80 and MC-90 type ships. The cruisers carry an impressive array of weaponry, a full wing of starfighters, and like most Mon Calamari cruisers, have extensive banks of backup shield power.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Mar 13 2006 2:45am
Viscount/Strident class Star Defender

Length: 6,250 meters
Crew: 72,000
Cargo Capacity: 350,000 metric tonnes
Consumables: 6 years
Hyperdrive Motivator: 1.0 Past Lightspeed
Hyperdrive Backup: 10.0 Past Lightspeed
Sublight Speed: 10 MGLT
Shield Rating: 75,000 SBD (37,500 SBD reserve)
Hull Rating: 50,000 RU
500 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
500 Turbolaser Batteries
500 Ion Cannon Batteries
130 Tractor Beam Projectors
Starfighter Capacity:
27 Squadrons (324) of Starfighters
12 Lambda Shuttles
10 Troop Transports

Description: Comissioning during the time of the NJO, the Viscount/Strider class Star Defender was a joint venture by the drive yards of Mon Calamari and Corellia to produce a large scale combat starship comparable to examples produced by the larger shipyards of Kuat and Fondor. The ship resembles a Mon Calamari Star Cruiser in ovid form, but devoid of the small mumps and bumps that define many of their previous designs. True to their designs, the Corellian element comes into play in that the ship is as packed with weaponry and other items to where living space is fairly cramped. The ship amasses enough firepower to take on Imperial super star destroyers and carries enough starfighter squadrons with it to overwhelm it's own complement. There was one known ship of this class to be comissioned, and it's fate is unknown, possible serving in being destroyed during the events of Star by Star or it could have been one of the mon calamari cruisers present during the final events of the Unifying Force