No I don't run the site, I was just making an ad run and caught it. I'm sort of sensitive about it since we've been stolen from so much over the years so I thought I'd give a heads up.
Digging through my old posts trying to find training threads (which unfortunately have either been deleted or are too old) for some of my ancient characters, I found this by searching "Nelix Galdra." Since this is pretty new (only about a year old), I just had to throw in my two-cents.
For reference, this is the infamous Xilen. Xilen is a character I still write at TGC despite his nefarious reputation from the past. It's an obstacle I've learned to overcome. Most people can accept the fact that I was a dick ten years ago writing quick stories between classes in middle and high school. Others can't, and that's fine.
The first thing I would like to say is--digging through some of my old posts, it's become quite clear why I was banned all those years ago. Xilen turning into an amoebae when he was attacked in a fleet battle ten years ago? Now that made me laugh to the point of tears; running around IC creating a general sense of galactic chaos.... it's pretty clear that I was on a rampage for power and attention. I tried to make a mark on the history of this community. I can see that I did that even if it isn't the mark I'd hoped to make when I was a kid.
I may have even done some insidious things. Honestly, I don't remember what I did, nor do I care.
I play at TGC. It's pretty well known who I am and what my past is. I've played there on and off since my ban here, and I've been away from role playing for the last 2-3 years with college and real life.
When I played here in, what was it? 2001-2002?--I was 14 -15 years old. Times change but it's evident that some things never do. Move on. I'm still around, I just don't cause as much trouble as I did ten years ago. And I haven't visited this community or cared for it's existence since I was banned. I asked to return I think 5-6 years ago and was told no. I accepted that.
I have no intentions or reasons to steal the name Theren Gevel. Nor would I use such a fuckin' hideous picture to represent him if I did. I have no reason or desire to steal, use, copy or duplicate any of TRF's material other than my own ideas and characters, which I still use.
Indeed many of your hunches as to who might be Xilen have been wrong. I have no idea who half of them are, nor do I care. I have no reason or desire to return to TRF. Digging through the member list trying to find an old ass character that I could still log into, I saw numerous "Xilen in Disguise" CT's. I really have no reason to disguise who I am. I may not be well-liked here, but I'm pretty average or at least moderately liked on the name elsewhere.
I'm not wanted here. At 26 years of age, I can accept that and move on from the past. Can you?
Blame me for new members acting like fuckin' morons. Blame me for a turbulent past and several role plays gone down the drain a decade ago. Blame me for pretty much any of TRF's failure's that need a fall guy. It's cool with me. Those that still know and play with me would probably find it amusing. I know I'm getting a kick out of it. Over ten years and I still take the blame for every little mishap here? Come on guys, really.... But when I saw this, it became evident what a joke TRF is. To still be theorizing that things are being done by the nefarious Xilen over ten years later is fucking insane.
Here is an idea--Google Star Wars Fan Fiction and you'll find TRF stories. Or, an even better idea... Google Theren Gevel. The name (or variations of it) is being used at dozens upon dozens of websites. It has 716,000 matching results.
I just thought you should all know that. Enjoy your stories. I'm going to get back to mine.
I thought of about a dozen things I could say in response to that high-road bullshit, but then I remembered you're a troll and always have been. You're honestly not worth the time anymore, Xilen. So here is what I will say.
All those CTs? That's not us witch-hunting, that's a default title once you past a certain post threshold. Members screaming "XILEN" when we find someone that might be ripping off intellectual property? That's a joke. You're a joke to us, Xilen. Just another in a long line of inside jokes at TRF. We don't care. Go back to TGC, enjoy yourself.
We don't care if you've reformed, we don't care what you think of us, we just don't care about you. Your "infamous" legacy and "nefarious reputation" is just one big punchline. You were a dick on the internet, you probably still are, and you're not remotely special in that regard.
Well now that was quite a mouthful, wasn't it Xilen?
I think it is only fair to tell you, since you apparently missed the boat...
When your name comes up, it is almost always a joke. No need to get so defensive and up in arms. "I bet it's Xilen" is a classic TRF punchline: that is the TRF legacy you made for yourself here years ago. We were all teenagers then too, and we also all have our own "legacies" with their own associated jokes.
Nice to see you again Xilen, you always did make me smile and shake my head.
But wait, are you the real Xilen? Stephanie Sapphire could just be one of his many evil clones out to destroy TRF...
No matter where you go, this jackass shows up and just ruins it for everyone.
It was my own fault I ever befriended you and everything everyone here told me would happen happened. You stil lurk EVERYWHERE and jump back in when you see fit because you're an attention whore. This is the perfect example.
If Xilen is indeed a joke, a quirky catch-phrase; then I apologize for the rant that I foolishly posted and invite you to carry on the legacy, not that my approval is necessary or required.
As for you, Ishara... we had our differences. I honestly don't remember the full details, nor do I care. But for someone with as bad a reputation as you have outside of this community, you're hardly one to talk. Your name is spit as venomously at TGC as mine is here. Your just not worth saying anything else or getting into an argument with.
I don't think I'll check TRF again. I was really just trying to dig up some very old posts from Xilen and the SCE. All of which made me laugh and shake my head (so I can see why you do, Leia). Some were around, most weren't. They were probably lost in the EzBoard hack or deleted. And I don't remember enough about it to base anything off of it. Based on what I've read, I don't think I'd want to anyway. -.-