Anybody Got Kazaa?
Posts: 1087
  • Posted On: Feb 20 2004 4:02am
Get rid of it. ASAP. Ken told me that music companies are sueing people for downloading music from it without paying. If you get prosecuted, it could be as high as a life sentence.

Which doesnt make since. Why go after the people using Kazaa, and not the people who created it. Just doesnt make sense, IMO.

I got rid of mine, saddly, so I just wanted others to know they should too.

And if this is a joke, Ken is gonna die.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Feb 20 2004 4:35am
Nah, it's true.

I'd go to court, though. As I have a bank balance of 0, they're going to spend about 15 grand to get a grand total of sweet @#%$ all from me.

And, in the legal documents, they provide adresses, so I can find them and kill them.

BTW: They started this like 5 or 6 months ago.
Posts: 1087
  • Posted On: Feb 20 2004 4:42am
5-6 months ago? And Ken just now tells me?

@#%$ A, Im gonna kill him...
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Feb 20 2004 5:06am
They could already be in your backyard. 0_o
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Feb 20 2004 8:11am
life sentence?

*next to Bob*

"what are you in for?"

"Killing 59 people and eating their eyes. You?"

"Umm... downloading music."
Posts: 2504
  • Posted On: Feb 20 2004 8:51am
Jade, sometime I honestly wonder about your husband....

Anyways, no you can't get a life sentence from downloading music... geeze. But the record companies have been prosecuting people for sharing music. You didn't have to get rid of Kazaa though... just don't keep the music files in your share folder anymore. If the music can't be seen, they don't know you have it... and if they hack you to find out if you have it, then their in trouble...

Anyways, their prosecuting what they call excessive users, which the way I understood it meant people who have 2000 or more music files to share...

And girl, next time your hubby tells you something like that and your wondering, just go to and do a search... you'll find the news stories about the piracy issues there... mostly they end up charging the people a small amount of money for each music file they have, which means they settle out of court anyhow... I seriously doubt anyone will get an jail time out of it.
Posts: 1109
  • Posted On: Feb 20 2004 1:56pm
That is @#%$ retarded. And anyway, you can redirect the music you download into a different folder. Which is what I do; I hate sharing my music, and normally assholes put the screwed songs in the shared folder anyway.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Feb 20 2004 6:20pm
They've issued, what, a thousand court orders against people? Considering that there are usually 2.5 million people on Kazaa at any normal time, unless you're sharing hundreds of songs you won't be in trouble.

And if you are sharing hundreds of songs, you deserve to be sued. :rolleyes
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Feb 21 2004 12:05am
That's why I liked that Metallica video in the jail.

They were visiting all the fans they put away for file sharing!
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Feb 21 2004 2:26am
Did anyone see that Pepsi commercial during the Superbowl?