Ann Coulter: Stupid @#%$
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Apr 19 2004 6:06pm
You heard me.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Apr 19 2004 6:21pm
Didn't like Slander?

I haven't read Treason yet, but I'm expecting it to be good.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Apr 19 2004 6:29pm
Along the same lines, there's a good article today on her website.

Last week, 9/11 commissioner John Lehman revealed that "it was the policy (before 9/11) and I believe remains the policy today to fine airlines if they have more than two young Arab males in secondary questioning because that's discriminatory." Hmmm ... Is 19 more than two? Why, yes, I believe it is. So if two Jordanian cab drivers are searched before boarding a flight out of Newark, Osama bin Laden could then board that plane without being questioned. I'm no security expert, but I'm pretty sure this gives terrorists an opening for an attack.

In a sane world, Lehman's statement would have made headlines across the country the next day. But not one newspaper, magazine or TV show has mentioned that it is official government policy to prohibit searching more than two Arabs per flight.

Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Apr 19 2004 7:12pm
"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Apr 19 2004 7:13pm

Just... wow...
Posts: 1772
  • Posted On: Apr 19 2004 9:00pm
The Jihad has begun...
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Apr 19 2004 10:35pm
What Kas quoted seems reasonable. I think what REALLY happens is that the government does not allow more then two arabs to be checked solely on the grounds of them being Arabs. I'm sure they'd allow more then two to be checked if the Airport crew had a real reason. However, it appears that Ann is blowing this out of proportion, and is singling out arabs as some sort of dangerous terrorist race.

Perhaps a more effective way to stop increased risk of terrorism coming from Arabs is find why they dislike western nations like America so much. I doubt it's because they just hate freedom or something silly like that, it's probably got some sort of grounding in fact, or perhaps a little misinformation mixed in. That'd be more effective then war.

Ann Coulter is a very scary person.
Posts: 88
  • Posted On: Apr 19 2004 10:40pm
You mean like how they hate Christianity?
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Apr 19 2004 10:57pm
Do you mean the terrorists or the regular Arabs?

There probably is a faction of terrorists or pro-terrorist people who hate the west because they're christians, probably a faction smaller in number then the number of christians who hate Arabs (I base that on the sheer largness of Christianity and how active it is at trying to convert people) but I think the majority hate westerners for more mortal reasons.
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Apr 19 2004 11:27pm
They hate us because we're all racist pigs.