Didn't know. Don't care. All games that are not spawned of a quassi-original plot and world, end up sucking. A lot.
weren't you one of those dicks gushing over, i don't know, [insert star wars game here] however many years ago ?
Hey, lets get one thing straight here; SW Battlefront kicked ass! Though the lack of wookie arm-tearing was disapointing...
Macross Plus is pretty sweet. Sharon Apple is hot.
Once you get past the testosterone and male pissing contests in Macross Plus, it's a cool little flick of enjoyment, yeah.
SW Battlefield is a cheap piece of trash. All they did was take the Halo 2/Battlefield 42 game engine and modded it with Star Wars sights and sounds. It's like any other movie dedicated game where they take an existing game and just mod it to reflect the new movie settings. But don't worry. First there was a cheap piece of trash LotR game based on the AoE engine. Now there is a much better one out there. Star Wars Battlegrounds was another piece of trash game based on the AoE engine. Now Empire at war is coming out. Let's just hope that Battlefield 2 is a totally new and original game, and not just a carbon copy of 1 with even more enhanced mods.
Supposedly you can take over capital ships like that one SW Cartoon Network short.
...let's not confuse all of those with SW Battlefront. Which kicks all the games asses.
Actually, Battlefront is what I meant. It's better than most of the movie games, but it's still a cheap piece of trash. But because they finally used a much more advanced game engine than AOE, it just doesn't seem like it.
Let's not forget the possible sequal capital ship conquering..