Posted On:
Oct 9 2003 11:05am
If none of you has read or knows what's going on about this then click the link and read it. I don't have the words to explain it so i'm asking one of you "writer" types ot probably read it, and then explain it to the others. But i petitioned against what the preacher guy is planning on doing. It's wrong and inhuman in my belief.
Posted On:
Oct 9 2003 11:14am
That's just wrong.
I say we build a statue of God, and drop it on that twat priest.
Posted On:
Oct 9 2003 2:57pm
Phelps is the antichrist. But online petitions don't work.
Posted On:
Oct 9 2003 6:22pm
mmmm quite interesting.:eye
Posted On:
Oct 9 2003 8:41pm
Phelps is the ultimate ass pirate.
Posted On:
Oct 9 2003 9:09pm
This is terrible... Isn't there laws against building such a thing and puting it in public property?
At least the odds are good it will be destroyed by angry locals.
Posted On:
Oct 9 2003 9:13pm
"Reverend" Fred Phelps is the operator of the website "GodHatesFags.com", and is affiliated with the Westboro Baptist Church.
His website, like his ministry, is dedicated to the promotion of hatred against homosexuals. Were he a resident of almost any civilized nation but America, he would be in jail for
inciting hatred against an identifiable group. Fred Phelps' existence brings shame to all of the United States.
It should also be noted that online petitions do not work, as Sam said. Sign it if you please, but what I would invite you all to do is send Fred Phelps an email (at
ghf@godhatesamerica.com). Don't rant or rave or curse; just state very simply and calmly your opposition to him, his cause, and whatever monuments he may plan to erect. It's something small, but remember that while one email is nothing, a thousand certainly is.
I am looking for an email or regular mail address to which mail in support of banning Phelps' monument may be sent to the city of Casper, Wyoming.
Posted On:
Oct 9 2003 10:49pm
Thanks for the e-mail addy Theren lol i just e-mailed him. and here's what i wrote to show i wasn't being mean but very kind. Or rather as kind as i could be.
Hi, i am a resident living in Hawaii. I have just read about what you are trying to do in Casper Wyoming. And let me just tell you, that what you are doing is wrong. It is not only inhumanly, but religious wise it is dead wrong. Your a preacher so you should know that god wouldn't want you disgracing someone based on what gender that person chose to love.
Your obligated as a preacher, or pastor, or minister to teach people about gods love. Not blind them with your hatred for gays. I have gone through several bibles multiple times and never have i seen where it says god is against gay people. He loves everyone of his children, even the ones that are gay. So i hope the people in Casper Wyoming stop you from building your monument. And i hope that you get what you deserve in the afterlife, when you have to go infront of the lord and explain your actions for what you do now.
Simple but to the point i think. And when you find an e-mail address to send directly to Casper Wyoming, let me know.
Posted On:
Oct 9 2003 11:41pm
I was thinking something more along earthly lines -- for instance, the fact that preaching such as this precipitates violent acts.
But each to his own, I suppose.
Posted On:
Oct 10 2003 1:24am
I may be against there being Gay's and I'm a christian, but that's just wrong. I'm totally against this.