Teh r clonez!
After life
Beff's my evil twin brother
It's not Beff, which shows what you know.
Refrain from "trendy" jokes until you're all caught up with the trend.
Refrain from "trendy" jokes until you're all caught up with the trend.
oops sry *hangs head in shame*
It's okay.
Tic Toc. Tic Toc.
Tic Toc. Tic Toc.
...turn off your light, and tell me that.
Yeah, darkness is sort of the absence of light.
I am a very religious man. But I do not like my beliefs being ridiculed by others. So that's all I'm going to say on the matter. :yuck
How can I turn that into an insult?
Your religion is flawed, Park. My god could kill yours.
How can I turn that into an insult?
Your religion is flawed, Park. My god could kill yours.
Yeah, well my God is the Mk II version of yours, so he can beat your god. :p