But not for you ENORMOUS NERDS using Mozilla.
Aaaand it's back.
I wear my ENORMOUS NERD badge with pride.
As do I.
Here's the quick reply box code:
Here's the quick reply box code:
<script type="text/javascript">
/* QUICK REPLY: Add quick reply to topic listings
Before you can use this script, you must change your "add reply" image as follows:
Old image: www.somehost.com/someimage.gif
New image: 'www.somehost.com/someimage.gif' name='addreplybutton'
if ( document.location.href.indexOf(".showMessage") != -1 ) {
/* Comment the lines below out or change the value to false
to assume that we will NOT include personal photo
or signature,
or use emoticons
or to hide the subject box */
includePersonalPhoto = true;
useEzcodes = true;
useEmoticons = true;
showSubjectBox = false;
subjectSize = 60;
messageCols = 60;
messageRows = 4;
addReplyButton = document.getElementsByName("addreplybutton") .item(1);
QRCell = addReplyButton.parentNode;
while ( QRCell.nodeName != "TR" ) {
QRCell = QRCell.parentNode;
QRCell = QRCell.getElementsByTagName("td") .item(0);
QRForm = document.createElement("form") ;
QRForm.method = "post";
QRForm.action = document.location.href.replace(/.showMessage[^\?]*\?/, ".addReplyFromWeb?") ;
QRForm.name = "PostMessage";
QRSubject = document.createElement("input") ;
QRSubject.value = document.title.replace(" - www.ezboard.com", "") ;
QRSubject.id = "quickreplysubject";
QRSubject.name = "subject";
if ( showSubjectBox ) {
QRSubject.type = "text";
QRSubject.className = "inputbox";
QRSubject.maxLength = 60;
QRSubject.size = subjectSize;
QRSubject.tabIndex = 3;
QRSubject.style.marginRight = "3px";
} else {
QRSubject.type = "hidden";
QRBody = document.createElement("textarea") ;
QRBody.rows = messageRows;
QRBody.cols = messageCols;
QRBody.id = "quickreplybody";
QRBody.className = "inputbox";
QRBody.value = "";
QRBody.name = "body";
QRBody.tabIndex = 4;
QRSubmit = document.createElement("input") ;
QRSubmit.type = "submit";
QRSubmit.className = "inputbutton";
QRSubmit.id = "quickreplysubmit";
QRSubmit.value = "Quick Reply";
QRSubmit.tabIndex = 5;
QRCell.align = "right";
/* Uncomment the commented lines to add labels for the two boxes */
// QRForm.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Subject: ") );
// QRForm.appendChild(document.createElement("br") );
// QRForm.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Message: ") );
QRForm.appendChild(document.createElement("br") );
QRForm.appendChild(document.createElement("br") );
if ( includePersonalPhoto ) {
QRPhoto = document.createElement("input") ;
QRPhoto.type = "hidden";
QRPhoto.name = "includePersonalPhoto";
QRPhoto.value = "on";
if ( useEmoticons ) {
QREmoticons = document.createElement("input") ;
QREmoticons.type = "hidden";
QREmoticons.name = "emoticons";
QREmoticons.value = "on";
if ( useEzcodes ) {
QREzcodes = document.createElement("input") ;
QREzcodes.type = "hidden";
QREzcodes.name = "postType";
QREzcodes.value = "ezcodes";
where exactly does that go? Body, Header, Footer? Also, I tried the name change code and it doesnt work? I did it to my own character but it aint working.
And you need gold to use scripts.
And you need gold to use scripts.
Gold Trial doesnt work?
*strokes TNO*
Is that the modified code, Kas? Or the original?
Is that the modified code, Kas? Or the original?
It should... but it will show up as garbage when the trial runs out.
And thanks, I was missing that bit that lets you use ezcodes.
And thanks, I was missing that bit that lets you use ezcodes.
*strokes TNO as well*