~_~_~_~ Please dial one plus the area code when calling this number. The following tones are for the deaf community: ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~
Milkshake is going strange again...
It's hard to take milky delicious treaties seriously
Sorry Milky :(
Sorry Milky :(
What happens when a good shake goes sour?
Milkshake went bad when he added "RIP Gue" to his sig... seriously, does anyone want Gue to rest in anything but pieces?
Oh yeah, I guess I DO have a sig with RIPs in it.
We Bold Orange folk are a little out of touch. (Or is that just a setting?)
In other news, where I live you now ALWAYS have to dial 1 plus the area code even when calling locally. Lame :dead
We Bold Orange folk are a little out of touch. (Or is that just a setting?)
In other news, where I live you now ALWAYS have to dial 1 plus the area code even when calling locally. Lame :dead
It puts the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again.
Oh brother...