Posted On:
Apr 7 2004 4:56pm
To everyone who owes me a post:
Posted On:
Apr 7 2004 5:56pm
I expected this, but only expected the text version, not the graphical one. :hat
Posted On:
Apr 7 2004 8:02pm
Mesa said nothing.
But waiting in rapted expectation.
If you are not able to post I well add in a bit more to get my stance a bit more established. Vonta is Going to lose it in a few short posts.
Posted On:
Apr 7 2004 8:22pm
I forgot to make a post over at TOO. (oops)
I'm not entirely sure how to reply. From your post it sounds like me and you are going to share some kind of, smoke payote, vision quest talking to animals kinda thing...
I've never done that before... so I dunno what to write...
Posted On:
Apr 7 2004 8:46pm
Think along the lines that I am using a force aura to read your force signature. So in a way I am sending my force sense over you in such a strong form that you would not be able to hide any of your feelings motives or probable darkside tendencys from me.
Laymens- I can sense what you are too your core in terms of actions, motives, and thoughts in the force.
The action is so strong that it feels alien I would imagine becuase of the fact that it uses Aiki abilities to focus the users force aura to be used in tangible forms.
The danger is that Vonta is projecting a pure astral aura that is taking most of her force abilities to manifest. There in lies the danger zone from witch she well lose control.