The SSD Thing
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Jan 29 2007 3:16am
Hi everyone, this is just a quick note regarding the future use of “Super” Star Destroyers and other similarly sized platforms.

It has come to the attention of the Staff that, what with the state of the Galaxy the way it is, the employment of said star ships or similar platforms needs to be brought to an end. There has been a proliferation of members abusing the 'lost and found' premise and this, we find, is becoming a tad excessive. And to that end we are instituting a No-SSD rule; with exceptions.

Factions which meet the requirements to own or construct a SSD (or similar) will still be allowed to employ these platforms.

Note: SSD type platforms will not be allowed as Plot/Story line platforms.

From this point forward all platforms similar to SSD qualifications/statistics will be allowed only as Fleeting platforms as per the Rules.
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Jan 29 2007 3:25am
For the record, the Imperial Navy operates several dedicated Super Star Destroyers. We support this by not employing more than one at any location and by extensive IC posts; likewise, we possess enough ICresources to field and crew the warships.

This includes the Ebony Vigilance, the flagship of the Fleet and the only surviving Eclipse-class SD
Posts: 405
  • Posted On: Jan 29 2007 3:50am
Sorry, I was busy finding a lost Super weapon. Er, I'll be back shortly...
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Jan 29 2007 4:54am
For the record; we know that TNO is teh uber pwnazz and that you all probably have a dosen SSD's a piece and six Death Stars in your underpants. Whoopie.

And Drayson, get your fucking hands out of my pants. It may be super, but it's no weapon. That's love baby, love.
Posts: 455
  • Posted On: Jan 29 2007 4:55am
The Coalition owns only one SSD-sized ship, a Viscount Star Defender...
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Jan 29 2007 5:03am

Did I ask, somewhere in my post, for everyone to tell me how big their Thingy is? I don't need to fucking know.

Do you understand the point of the post? Good. Then stfu. Thanks.

If you have a question, a valid queery, go ahead. Otherwise... STFU!
Posts: 64
  • Posted On: Jan 29 2007 5:06am
*puts his SSD away* Ok.. so maybe it's only an ImpStar...
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Jan 29 2007 5:12am
I appreciate our good humor around here. I really do.

But one more inappropriate comment in this thread and I'm closing it. Everyone who has a genuine question, whom you're all inclined to shit on, will be SOL. So, please, for the sake of at least one Informative thread...

Posts: 291
  • Posted On: Jan 29 2007 5:38am

For great justice.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Jan 29 2007 5:43am
There's funny.

And then there's asshole.

You earned it.