Posted On:
Aug 13 2005 12:29am
Sorry to anyone I'm rp'ing with at the moment. I haven't been on much for a couple of days and doubt I'll be on for a few more. I'm having alot of personal problems at the moment but I'll be back soon I think.
Again sorry for any inconveniences this causes anyone.
Posted On:
Aug 13 2005 1:33am
Take as much time as you need, this place is for fun and games and will always be here when you have the time. Good luck.
Posted On:
Aug 13 2005 7:20am
Np, Steda I'm sure everyone understands, hope everything gets sorted out.
Posted On:
Aug 17 2005 4:09pm
Ok half back, half not. I'll try and get some replies up to the rp's I'm involved with tonight but I may not be around again for a few days after that.
Posted On:
Aug 25 2005 5:59am
Fucking shitass life just decided to come rushing back with more bastarding problems so not gonna be on for a couple of days. Sorry to do it again.
Posted On:
Aug 25 2005 11:37am
Take all the time you need - we'll wait on you.