I was wondering if you can get another character besides the one you have.
Please help
Well, basically, just make one. If you feel you want to make a new account for it, go ahead, but it's all right to have more then one character and keep the same account. I don't even have characters, I have pantheons of people from different areas of the galaxy.
Thanks a lot. I guess I will.:p
No. You are absolutely, 100% banned from creating any new characters other the one you already have. If you are found to have created a new character, you will be banned not only from TRF, but from the internet (yes, we can do that).
jesus. it is going to happen soon.
*bans Demos from the internet*
And there was much rejoicing. :P
LMFAO. Same old people I remember from before.
Yep me 2.