NPC use.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: May 3 2004 10:13pm
Ok, so I've got an idea right now, just starting to form, whereby I intend to use my Rebellion character to drum up NPC support for the Rebels, you know, a little good old fashioned rabble-rousing. Now, that's allowed obviously, but I would like to know exactly what sort of support, and how much, I could be expected to aquire. I'll explain what I mean a bit clearer:

First, NPC force users. There has to be quite a number of them for any of these orders to really matter. If there isn't then I doubt the perhaps four-to-eight active members of the Jedi order and the four-to-eight active members of the Sith shouldn't really constitute orders, because they'd consist of just four-to-eight individuals. Assuming these orders actually matter, there must be loads of them, not to mention self-trained force adepts, old hermit jedi (like obi-wan from episode 4) and the like. Would it be completely impossible for there to be one or two amongst those gathered with a little training in the force?

Second, NPC military forces. Obviously not "real" ships, as ships can only be aquired through shipyards, but surely plenty of soldiers, speeders, technicians, scientists, people, and the like could be won over to the cause. Are there any rules in place besides common sense in this area?

Third, contacts and political aid. It isn't too much to assume that, so long as the Role Play is properly written, a few politicians would open their ears to the rebels, eh? A few moles a few spies, that sort of thing? Are there any rules regarding this? Would I have to give prospective "opponants" time to reply or investigate?

And fourth is supplies and money. Now, I know for most governments that's not an issue, as its' assumed taxes and trade keep their countries relativly healthy, unless role-plays say otherwise, but the Rebellion is no regular government. As such, are there any rules to trade and buisness with NPCs? I know that if it involves other factions - especially if we're stealing - then its' resolved turn by turn, but otherwise...

Anyways, just some questions, and don't worry Zell I'm not going to go off causing war and chaos without consulting you first.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: May 3 2004 11:12pm
I think the main thing everyone is worried with NPCs is that people would try to use NPC assets to destroy OOC assets (A Big No No).
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: May 3 2004 11:59pm
Yeah, as long as your five thousand NPCs don't climb up on 1 legitimately built AT-AT and beat it to destruction with hammers.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: May 4 2004 12:12am
Well... That sure puts a dampener on things. I know, its' understandable, and quite fair, but what if (for example) I wanted to destroy a star destroyer, so my character and his NPC team sneak aboard, obviously a post-by-post battle occurs, at the end of which would I be able to blow up the star destroyer?
Posts: 28
  • Posted On: May 4 2004 12:34am
People already do that.

There are rules for ship capture. And if you capture the ship and subsequently destroy it... thats your perogative.

Dolash, have you read the rules?
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: May 4 2004 1:13am
Yeah, but I'm double checking specific cases for things I might do, to be super-extra sure. I'm interested in robbing people, I'm interested in recruiting NPCs of all kinds and flavours (including force users and any imaginible job or race), in interested in doing - simply put - rebel stuff. Hence joining the rebellion in the first place.
Posts: 28
  • Posted On: May 4 2004 1:24am
I'm not giving you the go ahead to "recruit" Jedi. I find that somewhat rediculous. But robbing people... well, I suppose you can do that, Mr. Lightside...
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: May 4 2004 1:42am
Robbing BAD people. You know, bad guys.

And the reason why I wanted the option to get a few NPC jedi on my side is because I used to play a star wars roleplaying game made by D20 (until the GM took his books and gave up the game) and two of the six-character party were jedi. I just dug up the party's character sheets from a pile of junk, and thought it might be fun to stick them into TRF as NPCs somewhere.
  • Posted On: May 4 2004 1:46am
Dolash... first off we don't advertise the Rebellion on street corners and sign people up off the street. Picture this, just as you pointed out how the Jedi Order has plenty of NPC Jedi, understand that the Rebellion will already have NPC support on some worlds, a lot of worlds. Not as many as the Empire being as they're the largest group IC, but support nonetheless.

As far as recruiting Jedi, don't. As far as "stealing" as you put it. That's simply a military tactic. Cutting off supply lines, taking over enemy units. These are all things that can be RP'd out.

I don't think the kinds of questions you're asking need to be approved by the staff. IM me if you have any questions.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: May 4 2004 1:53am
Oh come on, Jedi, they're funky. And what's wrong with drumming up a little EXTRA support? It couldn't hurt, and it'd make a fun role-play.