I had a list of planet entries on the EZboard GC site, which has just gone missing. However, I did find an older copy of it here on TRF.
The thing is, most of what I had there hadn't changed much lately, so the versions I posted here could be just cut and pasted (which I did). But the planet list changes relatively quickly.
So in short, if anyone can fill in the details for any planet that is part of the Coalition but is NOT listed below, could you please post the details for me?
Mon Calamari
The planet Mon Calamari is a water planet with two species; the Mon Calamari, who appear as a cross between fish and humanoids, and the Quarren, who appear as regular humanoids except with tentacals around their mouths and red, scaly skin.
As seat of the Coalition, the planets' people are highly dedicated, despite suffering from a long age of wars and suffering. However, in this new age, they are now prospering well, and quite a lot of the population works in the Coalitions' central government. What is not generally known, is that the most important meetings of the Coalition do not take place here, but on Azguard, which is better hidden and defendable.
Ando is another world of water, home to just one people, the Aqualish. The Aqualish have no mouths, instead a pair of red, bulbous mandibles which make loud, scratchy sounds. Their skin is smooth and jet-black, and their eyes are huge and round.
The Aqualish have had a long, bloody history of inter-class warfare, but under recent guidance by the Coalition's various initiatives to promote tolerance, understanding, and fellowship, they have begun to change their ways. They mostly live aboard huge ships, built from rich natural resources their ancestors harvested from the sea at various small islands scattered around the planet.
A rocky planet with many caverns and many Cren inhabitants. It is also the headquarters of Cren Communications and Sensors, a company which manifactures communications gear and sensors for the New Coalition Military. ComTech also has a major base there, and works with Cren Communications and Sensors on projects for the military. They helped inventor the CD-01a for the New Coalition Army.
Azguard has given rise to a race of towering, gangly, grey, and intimidating creatures, the Azguards. Azguards are a relative newcomer to the galactic stage, yet now hold a controlling position in the Coalition, and inspire many allies with their ingrained sense of right and wrong, and their boundless energy.
The Azguards provide quite a lot of the military, the ideals, and the work that move the Coalition towards its' goals. Their unusual nature (They have two brains, each with a separate personality) makes them useful in a surprising number of situations, and the head of the Coalition itself is Regrad, an Azguard, who holds the meetings of the House of Representatives on his homeworld.
Krakken IV
Krakken IV is a desert world under a burning sun, in the same system as Azguard. The Kraz, a grey, short, and stocky people live in huge underground cities away from the suns' light and closer to the large underground bodies of water. A number of wars have taken place on the planet, but since the Azguards brought it into the fold of the Coalition, they have all been brought to an end.
The cities of the Kraz are large, but comparatively primitive. However, they are developing quickly, and are believed to be quite capable of reaching the Galactic Standard any day now.
Hurok is basically a ball of ice in the outer regions of the Azguard system. Except for a few remote, abandoned military bases left over from large-scale wars, the planet supports no life on the surface. Under the surface, however, the planet is far warmer, and a variety of vegetation lives down there, along with different animals and two sentient races, the Kraum and the Frozians.
The Kraum are native, having lived there since time immemorial. They are not too interested in civilization, and mostly live in quite the way their people have for millennia. The Frozians, however, are newcomers, who were relocated to the planet after their own planet was destroyed by the Empire and they spent a long time in exile. They do most of the actual government work, and also a lot of mining and crafting, as the vast resources of Hurok have been mostly untouched.
Hephastus, a planet which only coincidentally shares its' name with that of the ancient Greek God of the forge, is the home of the Vrakken. The Vrakken are a race of creatures that share many qualities of birds, reptiles, and humans, and a proud, fiercely independent tradition of individualism.
This planet was the site of an uprising which eventually lead to the deposement of the one corrupt government of Azguard, and is not very technologically advanced. Except for a single starport meant to be a meeting point between the Coalition and the Vrakken, there is little of interest for visitors on the planet, except for the remarkable Vrakken themselves.
Bimmisaari is a temperate planet home to two different races, both called Bimms. One race is short, furry, humanoid, and enjoys haggling and trade. The other is a race of near-humans who traveled there millennia ago, and have adopted the original Bimms' culture.
The people of Bimmisaari are valued members of the Coalition for their economical knowledge, and many of the important trade positions are either filled or advised by a Bimm. The Bimms themselves enjoy the peace, comfort, and fellowship offered by the the Coalition.
Tynna is another ice-encrusted world, with huge bodies of water. The people who live there are, well, seals. Big seals. Who think. They have a very distinct culture and society, especially since everything they build cannot be operated by anyone else, and vice-versa. Generally well-liked and wealthy, they have suffered greatly in recent history and have found the Coalition a nice break.
The planet has a thriving population in various cities, and a strong socialist government which provides most necessities. They provide a great deal of water for some planets in return for other vital resources, but mainly just contribute art and ideas.
Kubindi is a blasted planet, where the Kubaz live. The Kubaz have dark green skin, a prehensile trunk, large eyes, and they primarily live off of bugs. Although their history is one of feuds, war, and hunting another sentient race (The Verpine) for food, after a time of subjugation and starvation the most recent generation of Kubaz have changed their ways, and have committed to building a better society.
Helped with resources from the Coalition, along with their advice and encouragement, the Kubaz have gotten closer to their goal, and in return provide the Coalition with a vast supply of scientific information (their scientists had to genetically engineer bugs to be a good food source) that has been very useful.
Tammar is a nice planet, with a variety of plant life and lovely scenery, and would be a much nicer place to visit or live if not for two things: One, there is very little water, and two, there is very little oxygen. The creatures which do live there, the Tammarians, look vaguely human, except for the oxygen pouches under their chin. These allow them to store oxygen for when they really need it (admittedly, a place with less oxygen then Tammar would probably be in somewhere equally deadly, like a volcano or space.)
It is not yet known what it is Tammar provides the Coalition, or their reason for joining, but nonetheless, they're part, and the population of Tammarians are very grateful, even if it means there are few visits by celebrities or even much to do.
Mneidia 4
Home of the Mnedians, primative monkey-like beings. A planet of jungle-islands, Mnedia is an oddity. The natives do not seem greatly open to the concepts of civilization, however a small, determined group of people still try to spread the ideal and have met some success.
Mnedia serves as an outpost, with a few small colonies, a bit of resource gathering, and a useful position in the galaxy. It really isn't that important in the grand scheme of things,
This planet is large, cool, and dotted with beautiful cities that look like silver needles. Its' people appear as humans, except for their tall, thin heads which stores a massive brain. Perhaps for related reasons, they are also a surprisingly psychic race, and can do impressive feats of telekinetics.
They joined the Coalition because ambassadors proved themselves to be trustworthy and the Coalition proved to be an excellent ally. They provide much-needed psychic chat-lines, and besides that, also have a thriving society that many view as an ideal model for the rest of the Coalition.
Nkllon is a primary source of natural resources for the Coalition. The planet, being basically one giant orb of different metal, is an excellent source of ore, but the only way to mine it is from space. Still, it is a wealthy endeavor, and state-owned, so that the Coalition can pay for the many social programs and reconstruction efforts it currently employs.
No one actually lives on Nkllon, but the mining station that orbits the planet is a popular location for those hitch-hiking across the galaxy or in search of difficult but well-paying work.
A hidden training academy for intelligence services and ship building out in the Unknown Regions, CN-1344 isn't really a member state of the Coalition so much as it is a leftover chunk of territory from the days of the Sovereignty. However, it serves a purpose as an out-of-the-way location for military training.
A hidden military base, basically like CN-1344.
Sh'shuun is a tropical world, with steaming jungles and rain forests. The Shi'ido live there, a race of long-lived, lithe, and pale humanoids with the unique abilities to cloud the minds of other races into thinking that they are of any other humanoid race. With this power, they are capable of living quite contentedly amongst people across the galaxy, however, there are countless who seek their services as spies and assassins. The none-agressive nature of the Shi'ido discourages such practice, however.
The Shi'ido are welcome members of the Coalition, both because their world provides resources widely needed by the Coalition, and also because they are ideal members, with a peaceful society and the ability to fit in anywhere. The Shi'ido often work for the Coalition Intelligence Bureau, as the organization is none-violent, and is a perfect job for people of their skills.
A planet in the Unknown Regions that has also become base to the mighty Praetorian Guard. The planet itself has seen fighting between an alien race of natives and various colonists for years, although peace has settled in somewhat lately.
Ex-fortress world, also fairly barren, with a patch of liveable terrain housing a race of near-humans. That's Valacar in a nutshell. The planet once housed a huge fortress, and like huge fortresses everywhere it attracted trouble. Now there is only a small space on the planet for life, and it is occupied by a race of beings that are human in all but the details. The small community, with help from the Coalition, now runs rather smoothly, and is attempting to reclaim a little of their devastated world.
Hopes are high for Valacar, and after a proper reconstruction effort, it may be possible that it'll become an urban core of the Coalition.
Firrerr is a fairly upleasent, toxic world home to the Firrerro, a race of tall creatures with shiny coats and large membranes over their eyes. They have had a terrible, turbulent, and blood-covered history, but a recent relief-effort has restored some of their former glory.
In the Coalition, the Firrerro are mostly a dependant planet, relying on the help of the rest of the Coalition to support itself. However, they are also fiercly idealistic, as well as anti-Imperial, and as such are well-liked by most of the Coalition, who find themselves quite comfortable with helping a people who have undergone so much.
Ah, Hoth. Who in their right minds would want to live there? Short answer, no one. However, since no one lives there, the Coalition has claimed it as a military outpost, and military forces from throughout the Coalition use it as a resupply, meeting, and mapping point.
There has been a mild controversy as to proposed resource mining to be done there, as it might disturb an old battlefield and the planets' various wildlife, but it is believed an acceptable deal will eventually be reached.
Anoat is a troublesome world, and at the same time very useful. For ages it was a toxic waste dump, no one lived there and for good reason. But a clean-up effort has revealed the remains of the original cities below, and the planet is now re-inhabited with a grand mix of species from across the galaxy. As one of the Coalitions' few metropolitan planets, this former garbage dump has risen in galactic affairs quite quickly.
A lot of the Coalition Intelligence Bureau comes from this planet, as the law-enforcement group there is seen as one of the best, probably because of the inherent difficulties in monitoring the colonization of an empty city with such varied races.
A temperate world with a tough and sparse environment. Home to Gado, slender worm/humaniods with
thin fur, the planet has served as an important member of the Coalition politically. Although it is basically self-contained in that it requires nothing from other planets and exports little, the people still have a strong political voice and enjoy working with other planets of the Coalition.
They are fairly well-liked, because their views are often positive, and are one of the most powerful factions in the House of Representatives.
Leritor is the Coalitions' Breadbasket. That means, most of the food comes from there. The inhabitants are called Sauvax, and they farm most of the planets' solid surface and a lot of the seas and oceans, as in appearance they are basically giant crabs. All their tools are adapted to pincer-claws, and scuttling is the most common form of locomotion.
Although they live a simple, rural existence, they have found that the vast market of finished goods and luxuries provided by other worlds in the Galaxy are an ideal investment for all the excess food they produce. Plus, it gives the average Sauvax a sense of pride to know their efforts help billions of people live in freedom throughout the galaxy. They are also home to a small community of Noghri (see Honoghr) who have apparently livened up the farming atmosphere.
A huge city set on a glass platform hovering above a lush jungle. The inhabitants are colonists, and the platform is indeed made of glass. A recent settlement, the people of Morianda are not exactly in a paradise, and tend to do their best to occupy themselves with things that have as little to do with the planet they're on as possible.
It is not yet agreed upon what direction Morianda should take. No one wants to go searching for natural resources or other assets on the planet, space is limited so industry is a no, but some are thinking it could just perhaps be left to its' own devices.
Honoghr was recently lost to the Black Dragon Empire. However, the planet is a toxic dump and the only inhabitants are a small community of Noghri (tough, bony, grey-skinned, and hairless fighters) of whom most evacuated. Those who remained have not been heard of, and there has been little outcry or even many words spoken about the occurance.
The Noghri who left were taken to the safe world of Leritor, where they make excellent farmers.
An unremarkable temperate world for the Aing-Tii, a short, quadruped race which stands on their hind legs and just wants to be left alone. The Aing-Tii, however, have generously allowed a number of settlers from Coalition Sympathizers, occupied worlds, and so forth to form a massive industrial nation on their world. Since its' a big planet, there's plenty of room for a big nation in some out-of-the-way area the Aing-Tii aren't using for contemplation.
The varied population of Lorize, which exists deep in Imperial Space, occupies its' time by turning the vast amounts of trade and raw-materials the Coalition has into finished products, and if not for a recent Imperial Blockade, would be a centre of commerce and industry by now.
UPDATE: Left the Coalition peacefully when it felt isolated by Imperials.
The thing is, most of what I had there hadn't changed much lately, so the versions I posted here could be just cut and pasted (which I did). But the planet list changes relatively quickly.
So in short, if anyone can fill in the details for any planet that is part of the Coalition but is NOT listed below, could you please post the details for me?
Mon Calamari
The planet Mon Calamari is a water planet with two species; the Mon Calamari, who appear as a cross between fish and humanoids, and the Quarren, who appear as regular humanoids except with tentacals around their mouths and red, scaly skin.
As seat of the Coalition, the planets' people are highly dedicated, despite suffering from a long age of wars and suffering. However, in this new age, they are now prospering well, and quite a lot of the population works in the Coalitions' central government. What is not generally known, is that the most important meetings of the Coalition do not take place here, but on Azguard, which is better hidden and defendable.
Ando is another world of water, home to just one people, the Aqualish. The Aqualish have no mouths, instead a pair of red, bulbous mandibles which make loud, scratchy sounds. Their skin is smooth and jet-black, and their eyes are huge and round.
The Aqualish have had a long, bloody history of inter-class warfare, but under recent guidance by the Coalition's various initiatives to promote tolerance, understanding, and fellowship, they have begun to change their ways. They mostly live aboard huge ships, built from rich natural resources their ancestors harvested from the sea at various small islands scattered around the planet.
A rocky planet with many caverns and many Cren inhabitants. It is also the headquarters of Cren Communications and Sensors, a company which manifactures communications gear and sensors for the New Coalition Military. ComTech also has a major base there, and works with Cren Communications and Sensors on projects for the military. They helped inventor the CD-01a for the New Coalition Army.
Azguard has given rise to a race of towering, gangly, grey, and intimidating creatures, the Azguards. Azguards are a relative newcomer to the galactic stage, yet now hold a controlling position in the Coalition, and inspire many allies with their ingrained sense of right and wrong, and their boundless energy.
The Azguards provide quite a lot of the military, the ideals, and the work that move the Coalition towards its' goals. Their unusual nature (They have two brains, each with a separate personality) makes them useful in a surprising number of situations, and the head of the Coalition itself is Regrad, an Azguard, who holds the meetings of the House of Representatives on his homeworld.
Krakken IV
Krakken IV is a desert world under a burning sun, in the same system as Azguard. The Kraz, a grey, short, and stocky people live in huge underground cities away from the suns' light and closer to the large underground bodies of water. A number of wars have taken place on the planet, but since the Azguards brought it into the fold of the Coalition, they have all been brought to an end.
The cities of the Kraz are large, but comparatively primitive. However, they are developing quickly, and are believed to be quite capable of reaching the Galactic Standard any day now.
Hurok is basically a ball of ice in the outer regions of the Azguard system. Except for a few remote, abandoned military bases left over from large-scale wars, the planet supports no life on the surface. Under the surface, however, the planet is far warmer, and a variety of vegetation lives down there, along with different animals and two sentient races, the Kraum and the Frozians.
The Kraum are native, having lived there since time immemorial. They are not too interested in civilization, and mostly live in quite the way their people have for millennia. The Frozians, however, are newcomers, who were relocated to the planet after their own planet was destroyed by the Empire and they spent a long time in exile. They do most of the actual government work, and also a lot of mining and crafting, as the vast resources of Hurok have been mostly untouched.
Hephastus, a planet which only coincidentally shares its' name with that of the ancient Greek God of the forge, is the home of the Vrakken. The Vrakken are a race of creatures that share many qualities of birds, reptiles, and humans, and a proud, fiercely independent tradition of individualism.
This planet was the site of an uprising which eventually lead to the deposement of the one corrupt government of Azguard, and is not very technologically advanced. Except for a single starport meant to be a meeting point between the Coalition and the Vrakken, there is little of interest for visitors on the planet, except for the remarkable Vrakken themselves.
Bimmisaari is a temperate planet home to two different races, both called Bimms. One race is short, furry, humanoid, and enjoys haggling and trade. The other is a race of near-humans who traveled there millennia ago, and have adopted the original Bimms' culture.
The people of Bimmisaari are valued members of the Coalition for their economical knowledge, and many of the important trade positions are either filled or advised by a Bimm. The Bimms themselves enjoy the peace, comfort, and fellowship offered by the the Coalition.
Tynna is another ice-encrusted world, with huge bodies of water. The people who live there are, well, seals. Big seals. Who think. They have a very distinct culture and society, especially since everything they build cannot be operated by anyone else, and vice-versa. Generally well-liked and wealthy, they have suffered greatly in recent history and have found the Coalition a nice break.
The planet has a thriving population in various cities, and a strong socialist government which provides most necessities. They provide a great deal of water for some planets in return for other vital resources, but mainly just contribute art and ideas.
Kubindi is a blasted planet, where the Kubaz live. The Kubaz have dark green skin, a prehensile trunk, large eyes, and they primarily live off of bugs. Although their history is one of feuds, war, and hunting another sentient race (The Verpine) for food, after a time of subjugation and starvation the most recent generation of Kubaz have changed their ways, and have committed to building a better society.
Helped with resources from the Coalition, along with their advice and encouragement, the Kubaz have gotten closer to their goal, and in return provide the Coalition with a vast supply of scientific information (their scientists had to genetically engineer bugs to be a good food source) that has been very useful.
Tammar is a nice planet, with a variety of plant life and lovely scenery, and would be a much nicer place to visit or live if not for two things: One, there is very little water, and two, there is very little oxygen. The creatures which do live there, the Tammarians, look vaguely human, except for the oxygen pouches under their chin. These allow them to store oxygen for when they really need it (admittedly, a place with less oxygen then Tammar would probably be in somewhere equally deadly, like a volcano or space.)
It is not yet known what it is Tammar provides the Coalition, or their reason for joining, but nonetheless, they're part, and the population of Tammarians are very grateful, even if it means there are few visits by celebrities or even much to do.
Mneidia 4
Home of the Mnedians, primative monkey-like beings. A planet of jungle-islands, Mnedia is an oddity. The natives do not seem greatly open to the concepts of civilization, however a small, determined group of people still try to spread the ideal and have met some success.
Mnedia serves as an outpost, with a few small colonies, a bit of resource gathering, and a useful position in the galaxy. It really isn't that important in the grand scheme of things,
This planet is large, cool, and dotted with beautiful cities that look like silver needles. Its' people appear as humans, except for their tall, thin heads which stores a massive brain. Perhaps for related reasons, they are also a surprisingly psychic race, and can do impressive feats of telekinetics.
They joined the Coalition because ambassadors proved themselves to be trustworthy and the Coalition proved to be an excellent ally. They provide much-needed psychic chat-lines, and besides that, also have a thriving society that many view as an ideal model for the rest of the Coalition.
Nkllon is a primary source of natural resources for the Coalition. The planet, being basically one giant orb of different metal, is an excellent source of ore, but the only way to mine it is from space. Still, it is a wealthy endeavor, and state-owned, so that the Coalition can pay for the many social programs and reconstruction efforts it currently employs.
No one actually lives on Nkllon, but the mining station that orbits the planet is a popular location for those hitch-hiking across the galaxy or in search of difficult but well-paying work.
A hidden training academy for intelligence services and ship building out in the Unknown Regions, CN-1344 isn't really a member state of the Coalition so much as it is a leftover chunk of territory from the days of the Sovereignty. However, it serves a purpose as an out-of-the-way location for military training.
A hidden military base, basically like CN-1344.
Sh'shuun is a tropical world, with steaming jungles and rain forests. The Shi'ido live there, a race of long-lived, lithe, and pale humanoids with the unique abilities to cloud the minds of other races into thinking that they are of any other humanoid race. With this power, they are capable of living quite contentedly amongst people across the galaxy, however, there are countless who seek their services as spies and assassins. The none-agressive nature of the Shi'ido discourages such practice, however.
The Shi'ido are welcome members of the Coalition, both because their world provides resources widely needed by the Coalition, and also because they are ideal members, with a peaceful society and the ability to fit in anywhere. The Shi'ido often work for the Coalition Intelligence Bureau, as the organization is none-violent, and is a perfect job for people of their skills.
A planet in the Unknown Regions that has also become base to the mighty Praetorian Guard. The planet itself has seen fighting between an alien race of natives and various colonists for years, although peace has settled in somewhat lately.
Ex-fortress world, also fairly barren, with a patch of liveable terrain housing a race of near-humans. That's Valacar in a nutshell. The planet once housed a huge fortress, and like huge fortresses everywhere it attracted trouble. Now there is only a small space on the planet for life, and it is occupied by a race of beings that are human in all but the details. The small community, with help from the Coalition, now runs rather smoothly, and is attempting to reclaim a little of their devastated world.
Hopes are high for Valacar, and after a proper reconstruction effort, it may be possible that it'll become an urban core of the Coalition.
Firrerr is a fairly upleasent, toxic world home to the Firrerro, a race of tall creatures with shiny coats and large membranes over their eyes. They have had a terrible, turbulent, and blood-covered history, but a recent relief-effort has restored some of their former glory.
In the Coalition, the Firrerro are mostly a dependant planet, relying on the help of the rest of the Coalition to support itself. However, they are also fiercly idealistic, as well as anti-Imperial, and as such are well-liked by most of the Coalition, who find themselves quite comfortable with helping a people who have undergone so much.
Ah, Hoth. Who in their right minds would want to live there? Short answer, no one. However, since no one lives there, the Coalition has claimed it as a military outpost, and military forces from throughout the Coalition use it as a resupply, meeting, and mapping point.
There has been a mild controversy as to proposed resource mining to be done there, as it might disturb an old battlefield and the planets' various wildlife, but it is believed an acceptable deal will eventually be reached.
Anoat is a troublesome world, and at the same time very useful. For ages it was a toxic waste dump, no one lived there and for good reason. But a clean-up effort has revealed the remains of the original cities below, and the planet is now re-inhabited with a grand mix of species from across the galaxy. As one of the Coalitions' few metropolitan planets, this former garbage dump has risen in galactic affairs quite quickly.
A lot of the Coalition Intelligence Bureau comes from this planet, as the law-enforcement group there is seen as one of the best, probably because of the inherent difficulties in monitoring the colonization of an empty city with such varied races.
A temperate world with a tough and sparse environment. Home to Gado, slender worm/humaniods with
thin fur, the planet has served as an important member of the Coalition politically. Although it is basically self-contained in that it requires nothing from other planets and exports little, the people still have a strong political voice and enjoy working with other planets of the Coalition.
They are fairly well-liked, because their views are often positive, and are one of the most powerful factions in the House of Representatives.
Leritor is the Coalitions' Breadbasket. That means, most of the food comes from there. The inhabitants are called Sauvax, and they farm most of the planets' solid surface and a lot of the seas and oceans, as in appearance they are basically giant crabs. All their tools are adapted to pincer-claws, and scuttling is the most common form of locomotion.
Although they live a simple, rural existence, they have found that the vast market of finished goods and luxuries provided by other worlds in the Galaxy are an ideal investment for all the excess food they produce. Plus, it gives the average Sauvax a sense of pride to know their efforts help billions of people live in freedom throughout the galaxy. They are also home to a small community of Noghri (see Honoghr) who have apparently livened up the farming atmosphere.
A huge city set on a glass platform hovering above a lush jungle. The inhabitants are colonists, and the platform is indeed made of glass. A recent settlement, the people of Morianda are not exactly in a paradise, and tend to do their best to occupy themselves with things that have as little to do with the planet they're on as possible.
It is not yet agreed upon what direction Morianda should take. No one wants to go searching for natural resources or other assets on the planet, space is limited so industry is a no, but some are thinking it could just perhaps be left to its' own devices.
Honoghr was recently lost to the Black Dragon Empire. However, the planet is a toxic dump and the only inhabitants are a small community of Noghri (tough, bony, grey-skinned, and hairless fighters) of whom most evacuated. Those who remained have not been heard of, and there has been little outcry or even many words spoken about the occurance.
The Noghri who left were taken to the safe world of Leritor, where they make excellent farmers.
An unremarkable temperate world for the Aing-Tii, a short, quadruped race which stands on their hind legs and just wants to be left alone. The Aing-Tii, however, have generously allowed a number of settlers from Coalition Sympathizers, occupied worlds, and so forth to form a massive industrial nation on their world. Since its' a big planet, there's plenty of room for a big nation in some out-of-the-way area the Aing-Tii aren't using for contemplation.
The varied population of Lorize, which exists deep in Imperial Space, occupies its' time by turning the vast amounts of trade and raw-materials the Coalition has into finished products, and if not for a recent Imperial Blockade, would be a centre of commerce and industry by now.
UPDATE: Left the Coalition peacefully when it felt isolated by Imperials.