Hey guys and gals whats happening? just popped in to say hello.
Admiral! There are schemes afoot, if you're at all interested.
But also it's good to see you. How's life? The family? Still fighting the Good Fight?
But also it's good to see you. How's life? The family? Still fighting the Good Fight?
It's a trap!
How's it going Reshmar?
TRF has been unusually active as of late. ;)
TRF has been unusually active as of late. ;)
Shit, you're back already. Looks like I have to finish this Duro post Smarts has been prodding me about daily for the past week or so.
I will PM you.
I will PM you.
It was smarts who stalked me down so blame him for my return. Now who do I need to kill to free the galaxy from tyrany?
Ok guys what do we need to do to put a done stamp on duro?
Zark is working on duro post iirc.