Posted On:
Feb 6 2004 3:45am
Would thou liketh me to start a new thread?, or 'pop-in' Sully's?
(I am asking because I do not want to mess up a good thread.)
I am happy either way.
Posted On:
Feb 6 2004 8:52pm
Pop in with me? Eh? <img border=0 src="http://centerstation.net/images/smilies/confused.gif" />
Posted On:
Feb 6 2004 11:21pm
Sully, in England "pop-in" means "have sex with". So when Vinda said "Would thou liketh me to start a new thread?, or 'pop-in' Sully's?" he really meant "Would thou liketh me to start a new thread?, or have sex with Sully's?". I'm guessing the 's was a typo.
Posted On:
Feb 7 2004 1:23am
Ewww... That's like saying.. well, i can't think of a comparison atm
Posted On:
Feb 7 2004 3:10am
It's 12:11 GMT, and Zark still looks like a slowly cooking ham.
Posted On:
Feb 7 2004 6:22am
i'll have to agree on that one. what is his avatar supposed to be, in reality?
Posted On:
Feb 7 2004 6:30am
My guess is a Mexican sitting in front of a fireplace.