Group Application: The Rebellion
Posts: 1584
  • Posted On: May 2 2007 4:36am
It is time to reveal what some of the lightsiders have been doing these past few months so quietly while others assumed they were idle. Time we came out of hiding anyways, many aspects of starting a group are hard to accomplish when you don't officially exist.

As you might recall, in one of Dolash's GC OOC threads some rumblings of Rebellion popped up, though it appeared that nothing really came of it. Since then, a group of members have come together to solidify those rumblings into a real group. The Rebellion was concieved.

Who are we? A Galactic Rebel Alliance

: Lightside

Our OOC goals:
To stir the battlegrounds up, to invent and use fresh new tactics, to play with the old school Rebellion vs Empire storyline, to make being a member of the lightside fun again.

Our IC goals:
The Jedi Order has fallen, the Galactic Coalition is struggling to survive, the CommonWealth is frustratingly neutral; The New Order rules over the galaxy with a harsh hand of tyranny and nobody seems willing to do anything about it! Clearly times have once again grown desperate for the lightside...

The Rebellion stands for freedom and justice, and unlike other governments we are willing to immediately take up arms and fight those who would deny us our rights. We do not recklessly destroy property nor kill needlessly; we are not terrorists. We do what it takes to survive, but never with evil intentions. We fight because it is right.

The Rebellion will focus on the desperate struggle of a few against many. Unlike other (larger) groups who use propoganda, government, and politics to maintain their image, the Rebellion will be directly defined by the ideals and personalities of it's individual members. Unlike the picture perfect Star Wars movies, we will see both the good and the bad times...

Jedi Master Leia Organa Solo will be pledging herself to this cause.
Posts: 42
  • Posted On: May 2 2007 4:42am
I'm in. I'm working on a biography now - it was going to be for Kraken's group, but I'd rather join one than run one. (This is Wes, btw).
Posts: 1865
  • Posted On: May 2 2007 4:50am
I believe the irony is the sheer number of players that have been involved on the plotting.

My character will be ready whenever it's needed.
Posts: 42
  • Posted On: May 2 2007 5:02am
Question - where should Jaeriel run into someone who can recruit her for the Rebellion? I'm working on the bio, and I want to add that in.
Posts: 11
  • Posted On: May 2 2007 6:02am
Well Ceros hasn't gotten back to me yet, but I (like Wes) would rather join a group that's been in the works longer rather than come up with a new rival one at the same time.
Posts: 2440
  • Posted On: May 2 2007 10:35am
I am joining.
Posts: 3
  • Posted On: May 2 2007 10:35am
Under this alias, as well.
Posts: 9
  • Posted On: May 2 2007 11:29am
I'd like in on this one when you get started, Leia.

If I need to provide an RP as proof of writing ability, I'd like this to be used: Too Near The Sun

Although the character (and indeed, the whole Germanican Gray storyline) doesn't exist in TRF, technically, it still shows how I would go about RPing the character and what sort of position I would like to write for.

Bio: which will obviously be edited to remove the old Germanican references, if you want me.

I know you haven't asked for credentials yet, but I thought I would get that out of the way.
Posts: 228
  • Posted On: May 2 2007 12:05pm
Sorry, Kraken. I hadn't forgotten; we were just mulling things over, which resulted in (apparently) this thread.

Needless to say, though, this is what I was referring to.

I'm in, though not necessarily with this character.
Posts: 86
  • Posted On: May 2 2007 12:09pm
I'm definitely in. You'd be hardpressed to drag me away.