Contact me (PMs or MSN would work best, AIM I'm rarely on) concerning the length of Kraken's ban. I've recalled that I'm supposed to be doing a post for his attack on the Cren Alliance, but then he got banned, so I was wondering what his status was and then the affects on the roleplay.
Could a Staff Member...
EDIT: Nevermind me I'm just an ass.
When I last spoke to Kraken (last week), he said he was taking a leave of absence or something like that. I have no knowledge of a ban.
I'll have to check this out when I get off work.
I'll have to check this out when I get off work.
I talked to Ahnk last night, but if Kraken is taking a leave of absense that changes things. Um, sometime I'd like to talk to you on AIM concerning this/another topic I've been meaning to discuss with you. You name a time (and what timezone that is in) and I can make it on AIM.
I'll be on AIM tonight... around 6:00 pm CST onward.
Sounds good. I'll be here as well.
Yeah sorry Jan but I'm going to have to be taking a sabbatical here. There are way too many things coming out of the woodwork in RL, not to mention that there is an appreciable lack of wanting to RP in Star Wars right now.
Wish me luck with my dental surgery tomorrow. I'm getting my 4 wisdom teeth and tooth number 18 dug out and pulled. (the bottom left wisdom tooth came in at a 45 degree angle, and pushed against #18 to the point that it destroyed the root canal in that tooth and now there is an infection and the nerves in there are throbbing like mad. Thank god for the prescription of Tylenol 3).
Wish me luck with my dental surgery tomorrow. I'm getting my 4 wisdom teeth and tooth number 18 dug out and pulled. (the bottom left wisdom tooth came in at a 45 degree angle, and pushed against #18 to the point that it destroyed the root canal in that tooth and now there is an infection and the nerves in there are throbbing like mad. Thank god for the prescription of Tylenol 3).
Urgh!! Sounds terrible!!
Take care and I hope you are feeling better soon. ;)
Take care and I hope you are feeling better soon. ;)
Wisdom teeth coming out, fun fun. Get yourself some movies and relax on a pull out couch infront of the tv all day then you can just pass out when you feel like it. That's what I did.
Root Canal . . . pfft.
I love the way they are treated with complete fear overseas . . . as if they aren't even done under anesthetic.
I love the way they are treated with complete fear overseas . . . as if they aren't even done under anesthetic.