The face of Tam Jorc, the news reporter to The Galactic Network came into view.
"This is Tam Jorc of TGN reporting from Corusquant. Our topr story on today's news is at Mon Calamari. It seems that the Mon Calamari Republic has once again become the gouverment on Mon Calamari. Just yesterday after signing a deal with Gash Jiren, Emperor Teebo moved the gouverment capital to Mon Calamari. This news was met with parades of pleasure craft and many different competitions inbetween the floating cities. It is very obvious that the citizens are glad to have Joeri Teebo back as the head of gouverment. Other news is that the Jultaarian Empire is being harassed at Averam, Togoria and Bespin by The New Order and their allies, Cyronic Industries. The Mon Calamari Republic made a try for Ylesia, but were repulsed. I have no doubt, that they will return though. The Jultaarian Empire is not going to let it be easy for them. They have launched a major offenssive against Bimmisaari, the ex-capital of the Mon Calamari Republic. The Tibanna Gas trade is up and runnign again, with Talorran providing Tibanna Gas to the gouverments that The Jultaarian Empire had blacklisted at Bespin. The Death Star was destroyed at Hoth a few days ago. We ahve yet to get a good estimate on how many lives were lost, but we assume over a million people died when it was destroyed. We will mourn their deaths and hoep that the Galactic War will soon be over. That is you Ten oclock news from TGN."
The picture faded away.
"This is Tam Jorc of TGN reporting from Corusquant. Our topr story on today's news is at Mon Calamari. It seems that the Mon Calamari Republic has once again become the gouverment on Mon Calamari. Just yesterday after signing a deal with Gash Jiren, Emperor Teebo moved the gouverment capital to Mon Calamari. This news was met with parades of pleasure craft and many different competitions inbetween the floating cities. It is very obvious that the citizens are glad to have Joeri Teebo back as the head of gouverment. Other news is that the Jultaarian Empire is being harassed at Averam, Togoria and Bespin by The New Order and their allies, Cyronic Industries. The Mon Calamari Republic made a try for Ylesia, but were repulsed. I have no doubt, that they will return though. The Jultaarian Empire is not going to let it be easy for them. They have launched a major offenssive against Bimmisaari, the ex-capital of the Mon Calamari Republic. The Tibanna Gas trade is up and runnign again, with Talorran providing Tibanna Gas to the gouverments that The Jultaarian Empire had blacklisted at Bespin. The Death Star was destroyed at Hoth a few days ago. We ahve yet to get a good estimate on how many lives were lost, but we assume over a million people died when it was destroyed. We will mourn their deaths and hoep that the Galactic War will soon be over. That is you Ten oclock news from TGN."
The picture faded away.