<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> As the Royal seal of the Hapes Royal family disappears, it is replaced by the stern visiage of the Crown Prince of Hapes and Consort to the Queen Mother, Dakkon Darksword. He clears his throat slightly before begining.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Good evening sentients of the galaxy of all alliegances. Today, I come before you to voice my concern over the motives of certain groups in adding their voice to the cacophany of threats and counter-threats issuing from the maws of all involved in this great galactic wide conflict.
Oh these groups, some threats are are more than just threats. Groups such as the former Rogue Empire, the Galactic Defence Initiative and the New Order, whos threats can and should be taken seriously. But other groups have added their voices to this for little reason. Groups such as our allies, The Divine Order.
They have made constant threats and have engaged in constant sabre rattling against the Former Rogue Empire. We disagree with this policy. We also note that is not our place to tell our allies and friends what their policies should be. But we do disagree with TDO going against the traditional neutrality of Hapans.
As such, in order to avoid the loss of Consortium lives, we will be removing our standing planetary defence forces from Dreena. That being the Royal Hapan Expeditionary Force. This is not to say that should The Divine Order come under assault, we will not move to defend it. Quite the opposite, we will have no external sovriegnty over Hapan planets as long as we can help it. But as said, the loss of Consortium lives in a fruitless act of agression will not be tolerated, regardless of the instigator.
Thank you and good night."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> With that, the Royal Hapan Monarchy logo reappears, before the entire scene fades from sight.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Good evening sentients of the galaxy of all alliegances. Today, I come before you to voice my concern over the motives of certain groups in adding their voice to the cacophany of threats and counter-threats issuing from the maws of all involved in this great galactic wide conflict.
Oh these groups, some threats are are more than just threats. Groups such as the former Rogue Empire, the Galactic Defence Initiative and the New Order, whos threats can and should be taken seriously. But other groups have added their voices to this for little reason. Groups such as our allies, The Divine Order.
They have made constant threats and have engaged in constant sabre rattling against the Former Rogue Empire. We disagree with this policy. We also note that is not our place to tell our allies and friends what their policies should be. But we do disagree with TDO going against the traditional neutrality of Hapans.
As such, in order to avoid the loss of Consortium lives, we will be removing our standing planetary defence forces from Dreena. That being the Royal Hapan Expeditionary Force. This is not to say that should The Divine Order come under assault, we will not move to defend it. Quite the opposite, we will have no external sovriegnty over Hapan planets as long as we can help it. But as said, the loss of Consortium lives in a fruitless act of agression will not be tolerated, regardless of the instigator.
Thank you and good night."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> With that, the Royal Hapan Monarchy logo reappears, before the entire scene fades from sight.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->