<font size="5">Probability Calculus Algorithm</font>
<font size="4">JirenTech Research Project Report</font>
<font size="4">JirenTech Research Project Report</font>
<font size="3">Foreword (Gash Jiren):</font>
In my readings of ancient human literature, I have come across one quote featured prominently in extremely early eras of our ancestor's existence, one apparently made by a scientist of some great repute. It is, simply: "God does not play dice." And, an eternity after these words were spoken, we are at last able to affirm them.
Not only does God not play dice, but he plays chess; the universe is nothing more than a carefully laid set of perameters in which a play is being enacted. Essentially, it is an equation; and while such an equation would be too large to ever map, we have at last taken the first step in that direction. While some assumptions must be made--for, as in any mathematical equation, every factor effects every other--JirenTech has created an algorithm with which seemingly events may be predicted using nothing more than a specially-designed scanner and processing unit.
We have mapped the world, and the eyes through which beings see it. And now, we can predict how that world reacts to said beings--and how those beings react to that world.
Gash Jiren
"Probability Calculus Address"
<font size="3">Official Report:</font>
Class: Algorithm and droid system
Creators: JirenTech Research
Basic Concept:
Probability Calculus is, in essence, an algorithm created by JirenTech Research to predict seemingly random events using sensory data. It uses an advanced form of algabraeic math, and is normally operated by a semi-sentient Probability Operating Droid, a droid program capable of entering the huge amounts of data gathered by Probability Scanners. It can determine the outcome of certain small events, or how an object will react to certain environments or stimuli.
Probability calculus is something which has been unwittingly been saught after for centuries; the ability to predict seemingly random events using a mathematical algorithm.
With this system, the direction of a blaster bolt from an E11 Stormtrooper Repeating Blaster may be mapped previous to the rifle being shot--an amazing feat, given that weapons legendary inaccuracy and random firing pattern. This process is not terribly accurate, given that our findings indicate that the outcome of random events changes by the nanosecond. However, these changes are minute enough that we might pinpoint the exact point the blaster bolt will strike within a 100 meter radius.
The key to this is the scanning; the acquiring of information. The more acurately an area can be scanned, the more acurately an event within it can be predicted. No piece of information is irrelevant. Thus, the more an area can be scanned, the more events can be predicted within it. With the information of two given objects or areas--such as, say, an acre on Asthentia and a YT-1300 freighter--this algorithm can determine how one might react when introduced to each other. This, obviously, will give a range of possibilities, but each may be prepared for.
Each area may be thought of as a theatre, and the beings within it as actors. In determining a single being's actions, the most important information which can be acquired is the neural map of that being. Combined with scanning information--which is more detailed than can be described--this algorithm can determine the effect of stimulus upon the neurons of the brain, thus determining the reaction.
Such a calculation can take more time than is practical for military application, but is nonetheless acurate. The amount of processing power required to complete the calculation in a justifiable amount of time rivals a single Coruscant transaction server. The prediction of sentient beings is far more difficult, and requires far more scanning and computation time. Only simple situations involving sentients may be calculated accurately.
Current Applications:
None. While a miracle of mathematics, the Probability Calculus Algorithm is yet in it's infancy. Requiring too much expertise and specific scanning to be used in the military, it serves only as a stepping stone to greater achievements.
Possible Applications:
Some members of the Probability Calculus team at JirenTech Research have suggested some sort of energy shield using probability algorithms to focus energy on exact points which would recieve attacks, thereby allowing greater defense at those points and far less energy expended in the process.
Credit to:
D31- Project leader
Teverek Shal- Assistant project Leader
Gash Jiren- Assistant project leader, original concept creation
Evek Jiren- Research director
Tien Werren- Mathematics director
Horel Yyvezz- Programming director
Mek Yek- Droid/Scanning Implimentor
Quem Genix- Researcher/Field Tester
Ordelken Bient- Researcher/Field Tester
And each of their respective teams.