Jaina Quits TRE
  • Posted On: Mar 24 2002 8:56am
Jaina has OFFICIALLY quit TRE and is now for hire.

I have experince in Commander-ing, Special Ops, smuggling, piloting, and mechanicing/engineering.

I have AIM (Solo Pride) and MSN (CommanderSolo19 or Solo_Pride), if you need to get in touch with me.
  • Posted On: Mar 24 2002 10:52pm
Although you may not consider this all that appealing I have been trying to build up the freedom guards spy networks. I could use a person to start some thing like that up. It would involve spy missions to varies groups. Smuggleing runs through dangerous teritory.

I could use you as a Training commander for my armed forces as well. You could train your own elite team or simply use the one that you already have. What ever you please.

Posts: 314
  • Posted On: Mar 25 2002 6:48am
TNA might have a job for you.Just post at the board.
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Mar 27 2002 1:42am
Ah Jaina. Good to see you again. I am Prince Kamon Vondiranach of The Tholatin Republic(TTR). I believe that I have a position for you. I need a Grand Admiral to be in charge of the fleet. You will have full charge unless I takeover for some reason. You will also be in charge of all ground forces. So, what do you say?
  • Posted On: Mar 27 2002 3:31am
Well Prince...I say you get me on AIM (solo pride) or MSN (solo_pride@hotmail.com) and we'll talk.
  • Posted On: Mar 27 2002 4:18am
Had a slight screen-name change
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Mar 28 2002 1:54am
When are you on? I'll try to get on tomorrow and talk to you. Trust me, you are perfect for the position.
  • Posted On: Mar 28 2002 5:23pm
Im not really on at any specific time...just depends. I'm gonna go ahead and post on your board however.
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Mar 29 2002 1:07am
Ok but you don't have to be so rough on yourself.