Posted On:
Jan 10 2004 12:56am
<span style="font-family:times new roman; color:white;font-size:large;">C</span>oming to you straight from the entertainment division of IDTech, and straight to your Holonet comes the brightest new form of physical competition to the galaxy at hand.
Think your made of the tuff stuff? Think you got what it takes to be the galaxies real man? Visit the IDTech wrestler management center on Reecee and we shall see...
Posted On:
Jan 12 2004 3:48am
"What's this @#%$?" said the sith lord before promptly changing the channel.
Posted On:
Jan 12 2004 5:43am
"@#%$ it, i hate wrestling." The other Sith Lord growled, swigging on his beer. While Ren changed the channel, Lup stole his popcorn.
"We could probably win that no troubles ay?" he shoveled popcorn into his mouth.
Posted On:
Jan 12 2004 6:05am
"Boy has the galaxy gone down the drain or what? Never should have given Raktus IDT to run. Reecee would still be in our command if not for him." Shakes head and changes the channel.
Posted On:
Jan 12 2004 6:12am
<span style="font-family:helvetica; color:white;font-size:x-large;">Tholatin Prince Unfit</span>
<span style="font-family:helvetica; color:white;font-size:large;">Tholatin Prince rumored to be a lazy Holonet buff</span>
"No wonder The Tholatin Republic has gone down the drain" quotes a snide Tholatin resident. Rumor has it the Tholatin Prince does nothing but lounge around day in and out and watch new and old episodes of Holonovels reports his daily staff....
OOC: bored
Posted On:
Jan 12 2004 6:39am
OOC: Lol.
"What does this guy know? He lives in the capital city. Not the castle complex. I get free time you know."
Posted On:
Feb 22 2004 9:07pm
The government of Reecee would like to announce that all forms of "Wrestling" are hearby banned on-world. All members of the "Galactic Wrestling Federation" are to be taken into custody.
This Public Service Announcement brought to you by: Imperial News Service on behalf of the Reecee World Government