Empire United
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Oct 17 2002 4:52am
"Today is a great day for our grand Empire! Since our newest Grand Admiral, Heir Raktus, joined aboard our mighty Empire, he has taken steps to ensure that the common man is at highest priority to the wellfare of this great state. Among his reforms has been the guarunteed defense act, placing at least one defense shield over every planet to ensure safety in case the worse comes. Also included in this act was refurbished defense bases with all the newest technologies, and small defense fleets for each system. Each citizen can swell with pride at the strength of the empire that allows such great deeds to be done for its own citizenary.

But today is an even greater day for us to behold. As even now, our brilliant GA spends great fortunes on what IDTech had once refered to as 'The Nexus'. What this will be is a grand underground, well, Nexus that will link each TJE planet together via IDTech made Gree Portals. Once activated each citizen of TJE will be issuied a bio scan which will then be read by the Gree portals themselve's for charge amounts. The best part? Every citizen of TJE will be allowed to pass FREE OF CHARGE. Thats right, for those of us who cant afford, or stand the rigors of interstellar travel, all one must do is walk to where they need to go and your there. We shall keep you updated with these glourius events as they unfold"
  • Posted On: Oct 18 2002 9:53pm
Just a note. The hyper portals are limited to travel between planets within a solar system. Not between Planets light years apart.

And if you ask how I know this. I designed the thing.
  • Posted On: Oct 19 2002 2:53am
ooc:o h well too bad for you better luck next time raktus
Posts: 63
  • Posted On: Oct 19 2002 4:52am
OOC: Too bad Gree portals were designed by the Gree and not you
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Oct 19 2002 5:19am

How did you miraculously gain access to the information needed to build your own fricking Gree portals? Are you completely clued out. That information isn't just laying around.

TNO did like a 20,000 + word RP about this @#%$.

Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Oct 19 2002 7:53am
Posts: 185
  • Posted On: Oct 19 2002 11:31am
A deal with Vonta... void on principle.
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Oct 19 2002 12:00pm
A deal with Xylon Hexyra aka Hex

all other posts in that thread were crap assed spammers