Posted On:
Apr 12 2003 4:32am
As of several minutes ago, a distress signal was broadcast on wideband subspace detailing the final moments of an ill-fated cargo convoy on its way to the planet bespin. Initial reports indicate the convoy to be of LFX origin however these reports have yet to be substaniated as are the origins of thier attackers.
More on this breaking story, later in the evening.
Posted On:
Apr 12 2003 5:13am
Press Release
Home Defence Corps ships of the Union of Free Worlds responded earlier today to a distress call from a location near the Bespin system. Upon arrival at the scene, the frigate Restless Abandon found an unknown number of destroyed cargo vessels and ships.
While these ships did not belong to LFX Industrial or the Union of Free Worlds, our hearts go out to the crew of Convoy TX-88, and security in and around all systems is currently being tightened in an effort to prevent further catastrophes such as this from taking place again.