Posted On:
Jan 26 2007 4:30pm
Hello everyone, I just joined here just this week. I'm sorry for asking, but I just thought I'd ask if anyone could point me to any notable posts that I should have a read of first, so I can get up to speed here? Thanks very much, Mike
Posted On:
Jan 26 2007 4:34pm
Rules are good.
Rules and then anything recently posted in the Battlegrounds; both will give you an idea of the RPing quality, including content, grammer and spelling, that is required of the board and community as a whole.
As of late we have had a number of new-comers who aren't making use of simple spell check programs: try not to be one.
Other than that, welcome to TRF; hope you enjoy your stay.
Note: Also pay attention to the posts that follow.
Posted On:
Jan 26 2007 5:22pm
The posts that you want to read I suppose will depend upon what element you are interested in becoming part of. That is not to say however that you should read one to the determiment of all others. Read as many as you can.
Anything by a mysterious creature known only as Omnae, or a superb being named Simon Kaine whill give you an idea of the very best TRF has to offer.
Posted On:
Jan 26 2007 5:26pm
Welcome to TRF mgladstonez.
To the far left of the board you will notice a set of small links, in it are the rules and FAQ's that Vance just spoke of.
Also, the TRF Timeline is there, if you are serious about roleplaying here then it is a good idea to have a read of it in order to get an idea of the history involved with the many factions that are around.
As for actual roleplays, well, have a glance around the first few pages of the 'Battlegrounds', (that is our main roleplaying forum) and that will get you up to date on what is currently going on.
I can tell you now there is plenty of plotting, scheming, fighting, character development and just straight forward good roleplaying.
Posted On:
Jan 26 2007 8:04pm
Welcome to The Rebel Faction; use at your own risk.
Above me, great advice. Below me, doubtless more to come.
So, as noted, start with our Rules and FAQ. This will give you an idea of how we do things around here if not what we do. Spend time reviewing the information provided and then spend a little more time re-reading that same info.
From there I'd suggest you take a look at our Planets List and Timeline along with the Galactic Map to get an idea of what, here at TRF, differs from the Star Wars Canon you may know.
Next it's off to the Showcase.
Good luck!
Posted On:
Jan 26 2007 8:07pm
Read my threads! I'm the bestest writer!
Posted On:
Jan 27 2007 1:58am
To read Ahnk's threads you'll have to use the "Search" feature, cause hasn't written anything in ages.