There must be some way to disable it.
Vertical scroll in Shoutout Box
Yes, there is. Why, though?
huh... the only problems I have with vertical scroll is how the browser always jumps down to the newest post in a thread, even in threads I have not previously opened.
//smacks browser
//smacks browser
I'm a dumbass.
I meant horizontal.
I meant horizontal.
Leia: I only have that problem when I click the little arrow icons. ;)
Dogman: I could disable it, however that would mean that when someone posts a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong shout aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalll the other shouts will stretch out. Right now you shouldn't have to scroll any to see normal shouts, since they're in a container that's slightly smaller than the shoutbox + vertical bar.
Dogman: I could disable it, however that would mean that when someone posts a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong shout aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalll the other shouts will stretch out. Right now you shouldn't have to scroll any to see normal shouts, since they're in a container that's slightly smaller than the shoutbox + vertical bar.
I have to, see! Could it be my resolution setting?
Nah, it's the style. It works the way I said it does in the 'Bold' styles, but it looks like I forgot to edit the vB Blue style.
well the little arrows only appear for threads already marked as read, and I never really click it. So explain why it randomly does it for unread threads. :p
It's all in your mind.
*waves hands around*
*waves hands around*
Ah, okiedokie.