TRF Group Information
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jul 10 2003 7:04pm
<font size="4">TRF Group Information</font>

Since a lot of new people ask what groups to join, we thought it might be good to put up an official advertisement thread. First, some ground rules.
<li>One post per group.
Each group gets one post in this thread, no exceptions. If the group dies, its post will be removed. If the maker of the post is no longer around to update, ask a staff member to remove it so you may post a new one.
<li>Images, Flash, Sound
If you choose to make an image for your advertisement, keep it under 500px wide and 600px tall. Animated Gif’s that take ages to load will be removed without warning. If you have flash, feel free to use it. No music allowed unless the user clicks the advertisement to begin it.

It is recommended that your advertisement contain detailed information about your group, your ethos, affiliation, past Role-Plays, as well as how to contact the leader.

If you see a group advertisement you like, please start a new thread or visit their board. Posts in this thread that are not advertisements will be removed.
Posts: 355
  • Posted On: Jul 10 2003 7:09pm
The Anthos Republic is a loose coalition of planets who have joined together for the purpose of prospering, and mutual defense. We are neutral, own a fleet, and are active in the Battlegrounds. Beginning positions in the navy range from grunt soldier to commissioned ship Captain. Other positions also available, such as:

- Intelligence
- Special Forces
- Merchant
- News Reporter
- Scientist
- Research and Development
- and more…

We run on a PHP website system, no ads, no lag! Come check us out.

Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Jul 12 2003 9:12pm
the Bounty Hunters Guild
and Mandalore Technologies Incorporated

So much more then a name. So much more then a name.

Assassin to Agent, Bribery to Bounty Hunter, Combat to Comraderie, Drugs to Dugs, Export to Extortion, Funding to Fighting, Import to Immigration to Information, Merchantry to Mercenary, Negotiators to News, Operatives to Operations, Production to Polotics, Smuggling to Syndication, Training to Triumph.

Now you have a taste. Is this your calling?


[img]" alt="" />
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Aug 21 2003 2:28am
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<div style="width:95%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:left;"><div style="background-color:white; width:12%; color:#000000; font-weight: bold;"> Technology</div><div style="border:1px solid #FFFFFF; background-color:#000000; padding:5px;">
1. Forced Evolution

The end of natural death is here, brining immortality to all! We can make you better, faster stronger.... SMARTER. Don't like how you look? Like to change appearances on a domestic setting? How about being able to change not only appearance, but form, at will? We can support your needs in such fields! Not enough of you to do everything you need? Easily rectified!

2. MindDrive

Rather not be forced to run around the home or office preforming such mundane tasks such as the operating of common appliances or sophisticated equipment? No Need! Grab yourself a comfy chair and do all your days work from saftey and comfort, with your choice of relaxation.

3. Intelligence Web

Ever been flustered trying to remember something you just couldn't put your finger on? Try and figure out the answer to a question that seems persistant to ellude you? No Longer! Share your knowledge and be shared with with all the accumulated knowledge of the Dameun Race! Knowledge is Power!


<div style="width:95%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:left;"><div style="background-color:white; width:12%; color:#000000; font-weight: bold;"> Transport</div><div style="border:1px solid #FFFFFF; background-color:#000000; padding:5px;">
1. Daemun Hyperdrive

The most advanced ferrying technology on common vessels in the galaxy. Gravity Shadows are a worry of the past! Very safe and very reliable, the Dameun Hyperdrive remains a tried and true workhorse for the BDE.

2. Dameun Hypergate

Ever wish you could bypass weeks of travel from port to port by just being where you need to go? Travel of the future is possible today with our Hypergate network! Never again must the tedium of Space Travel become you, the Daemun civilian!
Danger: Non-Daemun use will cuase Death

3. Arbiter

A most recent addition to the Daemun travel arsenal, the Arbiter actually allows for the creation of Wormholes through space, increasing our ability to traverse unruly space lanes in the merest of an instant!


<div style="width:95%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:left;"><div style="background-color:white; width:12%; color:#000000; font-weight: bold;"> Welcome!</div><div style="border:1px solid #FFFFFF; background-color:#000000; padding:5px;">
So we welcome you to the fabulous world of Dameo and the Black Dragon Empire. Many wonders await you traveler, and winding road of splendor ahead! Your adventure awaits!
Good Luck!


  • Posted On: Sep 7 2003 5:03am
Outer-Rim Sovereignty.

Are you looking for something extra in your life? Is the day-to-day routine getting you down? Then join the Outer-Rim Sovereignty. You too can help bring peace to the galaxy, whether you're looking for a carreer in the Armed Forces, Diplomatic Service, Black Hand or Politics the Outer-Rim Sovereignty has a place for you. Join the Outer-Rim Sovereignty and you will become a member of the elite. The best the galaxy has to offer.

The Outer-Rim Sovereignty - Accelerate Your Life.

Note:We are more than willing to accept any new role players. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, insults my AIM is chur4855. If you don't have AIM, get it. But you could also e-mail me at
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Oct 18 2003 7:51am
<a href="" target="_new">
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We're the Empire? We own.

What more is there to say?
Posts: 16
  • Posted On: Feb 23 2004 12:50am

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Uneducated sea monsters? Hardly.
The Sando Aqua Monster is simply the only known tie to the extragalactic species of creature known as the Sando. What we have come to know as the rarely sighted Aqua monsters are in reality the last remenants of a failed advance scouting party of what remains of the Sando race. Having barely survived a botched crashlanding on Naboo's surface, their Body Ships ruined beyond repair and with no way to contact those that would come after them, the Sando scouting party quickly adapted to the enviroment in which they had been placed in. Loyal to their own, and not wishing those that they would hide from to discover where they had been, the Sando hid deep under the surface of the planets oceans, using their second lung to filter the water from the first and recieve the attainable oxygen from the abyss they now called home. With this time, the many years of simple hunter gatherer life style took its toll on their minds and the Sando became what we know today as the Sando Aqua Monster.

The original Sando wasnt even an aquatic creature but evolved from a typical landbased predator. In its own system it was the top of its foodchain, which was odd since most times than not the top seed of the food chain did not evolve without need. The Sando home system had but one moonless world, well within the Alice zone this world was twice the size of Jupiter with a gravity of about Earth equivalent. As time progressed the and the Sando achieved the hieght of their technology they began to settle across all of known space, their predatorial instict pushing them to dominate all they percieved. Thus the galaxy became theirs without so much as a wimper.

It was this way for two Millenia or more, the subjigation and slavery of entire sectors of the galaxy for Sando use became common place. They were the overlords and over all they ruled. There was a specific species of very small humanoids they used to high degree in their Body Ship construction yards, in which the Body Ships the Sando used to traverse the galaxy and a wide variety of planetary enviroments were made, they were the Vong and with the Sando they had been spread to a great many worlds in their steed. It was with this they sewn the seeds of their own destruction.

The Vong were not the mindless workers the Sando had attributed them to be, they were intelligent, learning about their cruel masters and developing their own culture in secret, one of rebellion and discent when the right time shown itself. With all their forced indulgance of technology they learned to loathe it with an almost religious zeal, instead opting to use that with which they could attain, themselves and the creatures around them, lending to the Vong bioscience.

As always happens in time, the slaves revolted against their masters, at first not openly. Sabatoge had been the word of the day, many Sando began dying in deep space for no obvious reason, and for those without companion their would be no record. This remained a quick wavering though as the Sando race wasnt a prolifent reproducer, prefering instead for their women to bear a young once every twelve years. Over time the Sando were reduced to a few holdfasts of power as the Vong began to expirement with their newfound 'biotechnology' in the open, discovering they too could achieve spaceflight and even that the smallest of things could combat these monsters in suffiecent numbers.

In what took the Sando a few millania to solidify it took the Vong half to tear apart. The first open revolts were overlooked. The slaves fought sometimes, it was accepted, and the Sando had more of an issuie to deal with in repopulation than worry about a few slaves on a few outer worlds of the galaxy. As one world turned to dozens to hundreds the Sando could not overlook this new threat to their top dawg status on the predatorial notch and openly engaged the Vong in combat across the galaxy. Alas it was too late for the Sando, there were too few left to throw down the rising rebellion of those they had so easily spread across all known space. World after world was freed from their hold by these puny slaves and all the hapless Sando were to do was watch as it seemed their Race was to die off.

It was in this time that the homeworld came back into fashion, the remaining Sando gathered and ready as the last of their holdings fell to the newly created Vong warfleets. The old Body Ships still worked, they had been held behind when the new technologies were developed, the Vong wouldnt have been able to tamper with these. Thus it was so, that when the Vong fleets came to destroy their masters once and for all, they found nothing but an old abandoned world, the Sando had escaped and in the gradest fashion of all, they left the galaxy itself.

It would be for not, as a Vong expidition was sent to track the remaining Sando, wherever they may go, the hatred they felt for their former masters was without retrieve. One of these refugees was tracked from the begining, and knowing they were tracked they lead the Vong away from their brethran, never to return, this breakoff swam the interstellar space to a most remote world from the true Sando hiding and beached themselves upon it. They had lost the Vong, and themselves. The Vong, unpurterbed, returned to their home galaxy with the knowledge they had gained and the probobale location of the Sando remenant. Over time the cuase for the Vong's hatred was forgotten, but not the urge for conquest, they had their eye set on the Galaxy of Man and his technology and it would quake before them.

Outside the Galactic Rim the remanants of the Sando civilization remain in waiting for word of their comrades, but the wait is soon to be over, though they can wait no longer, The Sando will become again that once they were. They will repopulate this galaxy to reclaim what was once thiers.
Posts: 645
  • Posted On: Mar 21 2004 4:57am
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<div style="width:95%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:left;"><div style="background-color:white; width:35%; color:black; font-weight:bold;">Divisions of the Dominion</div><div style="border:1px solid #FFFFFF; background-color:#A8A8A8; padding:5px;">
1. The Sanctum of Light and Sky

Amongst the Cree’Ar, the highest order comes from Borleas Quayver, god and progenator of the Cree’Ar people. Thus it is natural that the most powerful of the Cree’Ar are often those who discern the directions of the divine. Predating the formation of the Dominion and it’s Judicaste, the Sanctum of Light and Sky has come to this galaxy to ensure that the actions of the Judicaste represent the will of Borleas Quayver, as they see it.

2. The Bringers of Fire

When Borleas Quayver is threatened, he asks the Cree’Ar, and all those under the Red Sun to protect him and protect themselves. Thus, the righteous warriors of the Cree’Ar, the Bringers of Fire, proceed in their divine quest to protect Ariguan and the holy land of the Dominion. Throughout their mission many unfortunate acts must be committed, but they are committed in defense of the gods, and for this the Cree’Ar may do anything, up to and including, genocide…

3. Warships of the Homeland

Called from the world of Aradon in the Dominion homeland, Cree’Ar vessels, chief amongst them the Ja'Mha Rerodon Class Cruiser, are brought to Se'T'ap'a'r'odar by way of the massive warpgates in the planets orbit. The world, formerly known as Ithor, was liberated by the Cree’Ar after it’s near destruction by yat'a'leg'a'lora. The Dominion reversed the poisons lain upon the world by the Yuuzhan Vong, and turned the ruined world into a production center for tek’a’tara and the cybernetic nexus network. Now, above it, can often be seen the Sep'Ta'd'Aark, flagship of the Dominion under the command of the High Judicator himself.


<div style="width:95%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:left;"><div style="background-color:white; width:35%; color:black; font-weight:bold;">Active Roleplays</div><div style="border:1px solid #FFFFFF; background-color:#A8A8A8; padding:5px;">
1. Mutually Assured Destruction and the End of Legacy

The End of Legacy begins, with a technological consolidation between the Cree’Ar and the native galaxies most advanced race, the Damuen envoys of the Black Dragon Empire. On the world of Ganath began an uneasy negotiation, with neither side ever truly trusting the other, but in the end the potential for mutually assured destruction was one that neither side could ignore. Simultaneously, above the world of Imp'a'Bor'd'daak, a shuttle arrives, a shuttle which will change the face of the Cree’Ar and begin the End of Legacy in earnest…

2. Dark Empire: The End of Legacy

A new evil sets out on to destroy the galaxy, and at the same time, a stagnant empire is assessed before an assault upon them commences. The End of Legacy continues covertly, as Varex Tarien, experienced Cree’Ar High Priest, infiltrates the world of Xa Fel, capital and command center of the ancient organization known as the Naboo Sith Order. With the Sith distracted aiding The New Order in their war with terrorist factions, the Cree’Ar anticipate no difficulties, but even the most well-constructed plans do not always proceed unhindered…

3. Legacies Forgotten and Buried under Sands

A Prelude to the End of Legacy, the Cree’Ar takeover of the abandoned world of Geonosis is eerily familiar to a similar takeover conducted by Count Dooku, master of the Jedi arts and leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, approximately a century ago. Both took the world with false promises and self-interest, hiding their true intent; to build an army, with which they would capture, the galaxy. Introducing a new type of technology, the Cree’Ar require a world, unimportant and largely undefended, with which to test their new weapons of war. So they proceed to the war-torn world of Kiyar, unaware of the Galactic Coalition’s aide on the planets surfice…


<div style="width:95%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:left;"><div style="background-color:white; width:35%; color:black; font-weight:bold;">We Are Vigilent</div><div style="border:1px solid #FFFFFF; background-color:#A8A8A8; padding:5px;">
If you are interested in leaving the traditional monotony of the Imperial’s war with the rebellion, your options are limited. Your options are, in the end, irrelevant. If you wish to join the Dominion, it will be so. But just because you do not wish to join the Dominion, does not meant that it will be so. One day, everyone will serve the Dominion, or they will die. This is the will of Borleas Quayver. This is how it shall be.

Realize your destiny. Serve the divinity. Join the Dominion.


<div style="background-color:white; width:95%; color:black; font-weight:bold;">Your history is obsolete… your future is as a slave… your present choices are irrelevant…
From now on we will make you decisions. From now on, you will serve the Dominion</div><div style="border:1px solid #FFFFFF; background-color:#FF3300; padding:5px;">The Cree’Ar Dominion

Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: May 9 2004 8:11pm
I'd tell new people to join the Coalition/Soverinty, but I can't make any cool graphical effects. Trust me, new-type-people, you're better off with those who can.
Posts: 645
  • Posted On: Jun 16 2004 12:22am
<table cellpadding="4" width="600px" align="center" style="background-color:black; border:1px solid #FFFFFF;">
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<div style="width:95%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:left;"><div style="background-color:white; width:35%; color:black; font-weight:bold;">Divisions of the Dominion</div><div style="border:1px solid #FFFFFF; background-color:#A8A8A8; padding:5px;">
1. The Sanctum of Light and Sky

Amongst the Cree’Ar, the highest order comes from Borleas Quayver, god and progenator of the Cree’Ar people. Thus it is natural that the most powerful of the Cree’Ar are often those who discern the directions of the divine. Predating the formation of the Dominion and it’s Judicaste, the Sanctum of Light and Sky has come to this galaxy to ensure that the actions of the Judicaste represent the will of Borleas Quayver, as they see it.

2. The Bringers of Fire

When Borleas Quayver is threatened, he asks the Cree’Ar, and all those under the Red Sun to protect him and protect themselves. Thus, the righteous warriors of the Cree’Ar, the Bringers of Fire, proceed in their divine quest to protect Ariguan and the holy land of the Dominion. Throughout their mission many unfortunate acts must be committed, but they are committed in defense of the gods, and for this the Cree’Ar may do anything, up to and including, genocide…

3. Warships of the Homeland

Called from the world of Aradon in the Dominion homeland, Cree’Ar vessels, chief amongst them the Ja'Mha Rerodon Class Cruiser, are brought to Se'T'ap'a'r'odar by way of the massive warpgates in the planets orbit. The world, formerly known as Ithor, was liberated by the Cree’Ar after it’s near destruction by yat'a'leg'a'lora. The Dominion reversed the poisons lain upon the world by the Yuuzhan Vong, and turned the ruined world into a production center for tek’a’tara and the cybernetic nexus network. Now, above it, can often be seen the Sep'Ta'd'Aark, flagship of the Dominion under the command of the High Judicator himself.


<div style="width:95%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:left;"><div style="background-color:white; width:35%; color:black; font-weight:bold;">Active Roleplays</div><div style="border:1px solid #FFFFFF; background-color:#A8A8A8; padding:5px;">
1. Mutually Assured Destruction and the End of Legacy

The End of Legacy begins, with a technological consolidation between the Cree’Ar and the native galaxies most advanced race, the Damuen envoys of the Black Dragon Empire. On the world of Ganath began an uneasy negotiation, with neither side ever truly trusting the other, but in the end the potential for mutually assured destruction was one that neither side could ignore. Simultaneously, above the world of Imp'a'Bor'd'daak, a shuttle arrives, a shuttle which will change the face of the Cree’Ar and begin the End of Legacy in earnest…

2. Dark Empire: The End of Legacy

A new evil sets out on to destroy the galaxy, and at the same time, a stagnant empire is assessed before an assault upon them commences. The End of Legacy continues covertly, as Varex Tarien, experienced Cree’Ar High Priest, infiltrates the world of Xa Fel, capital and command center of the ancient organization known as the Naboo Sith Order. With the Sith distracted aiding The New Order in their war with terrorist factions, the Cree’Ar anticipate no difficulties, but even the most well-constructed plans do not always proceed unhindered…

3. Legacies Forgotten and Buried under Sands

A Prelude to the End of Legacy, the Cree’Ar takeover of the abandoned world of Geonosis is eerily familiar to a similar takeover conducted by Count Dooku, master of the Jedi arts and leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, approximately a century ago. Both took the world with false promises and self-interest, hiding their true intent; to build an army, with which they would capture, the galaxy. Introducing a new type of technology, the Cree’Ar require a world, unimportant and largely undefended, with which to test their new weapons of war. So they proceed to the war-torn world of Kiyar, unaware of the Galactic Coalition’s aide on the planets surfice…


<div style="width:95%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:left;"><div style="background-color:white; width:35%; color:black; font-weight:bold;">We Are Vigilent</div><div style="border:1px solid #FFFFFF; background-color:#A8A8A8; padding:5px;">
If you are interested in leaving the traditional monotony of the Imperial’s war with the rebellion, your options are limited. Your options are, in the end, irrelevant. If you wish to join the Dominion, it will be so. But just because you do not wish to join the Dominion, does not meant that it will be so. One day, everyone will serve the Dominion, or they will die. This is the will of Borleas Quayver. This is how it shall be.

Realize your destiny. Serve the divinity. Join the Dominion.


<div style="background-color:white; width:95%; color:black; font-weight:bold;">Your history is obsolete… your future is as a slave… your present choices are irrelevant…
From now on we will make you decisions. From now on, you will serve the Dominion</div><div style="border:1px solid #FFFFFF; background-color:#FF3300; padding:5px;">The Cree’Ar Dominion
