Okay, I've been saying this all my life, "Time is not a toy." If you mess with iy your liable to ruin the time-space continuim. Only those who know what they're doing, which isn't most, should mess with time. And even then it is not a laughing matter. So keep with trying to conquer the galaxy and stop screwing with time.
I got a little drunk. There was some time travelling involved. I don't want to talk about it.
Seriously, man.
Seriously, man.
Not what I meant Zark.
Uh huh....
*has his Law-ninjas go and give Rebel a cease and desist order*
*has his Law-ninjas go and give Rebel a cease and desist order*
Okay, we'll see who's in power after this. Ow, ow. Get your ninjas off me.
Bloody right! FEAR THE LAW-NINJAS!
Yeah, yeah. I say we duke it out man-to-man. *gets his stuff ready to kick some idiot's butt*
*get's beside Irtar with Swordfish in hand* Bring it on. I've got a swordfish
Bring it. I've got Merc's Blade.