Posted On:
Apr 11 2009 9:22pm
Dark times have descended on the Galaxy. A thousand year war between Humans and aliens has left entire species extinct and dozens of planets a wasteland. As the galaxy rebuilds, a new terror builds: Powerful Sith and Dark Jedi Empires. The Jedi are lost, missing in a void of hopelessness and suffering.
A standing community since 2001, SWM has suffered several droughts, spamming and even the conversion to Yuku. As we enter this rebuilding phase, we are seeking members. Rank transfer ensured! Come see us, at:
Posted On:
Apr 12 2009 1:31am
If not for the fact that it is a Yuku/EzBoard, if not for the fact that one needs to log in and create user accounts just to view the site...
Posted On:
Apr 12 2009 3:06pm
I'm half-intrigued by the Daemon Hyfe Memorial R&D archive, by the Gash Jiren Memorial OOC discussion.
Congratulations Hyfe, you've been memorialized, and you're not dead...yet.
Posted On:
Apr 12 2009 10:14pm
Well, that depends on Cataclysm.
Gash, however...
Posted On:
Apr 14 2009 1:59am
Well, I know its a shitty yuku board, but it beats having no home at all, I guess.
Posted On:
Apr 14 2009 2:11am
I'm just a harsh cinic. It's strange, your average posts (board-wide) are at or under five hundred words per Story post... and while a guy like me could easily bang out that many words, I've become a non-posting elitist thanks to TRF and our 1,000 word + base...
Such a contradiction in terms.
Posted On:
Apr 15 2009 12:53am
Oh trust me, I know. I came from SWFans fourms, where there was 20,000+ words per story post. I know how it feels. XD