Posted On:
May 29 2005 6:22am
Since the Sith Order is being started up again (go us!), I would like to request that we be issued our own faction area - like that of the Jedi Order - so that we don't have to be in TNO's shadow.
All we would need is two forums, perhaps, much like the Jedi. Perhaps:
Temple Entrance
Training Arena
Or something to that nature. If you want me to supply descriptions, I can. This is just something that should be considered, as we could use our own little area to get started.
Posted On:
May 29 2005 6:51am
Sith? Here? For the first time in how long?
*bursts into laughter and exits*
Posted On:
May 29 2005 9:49am
I don't think it will be a problem, Titus is the man to ask in the area, he's the resident board techie.
I would do it myself but then I'd probably end up deleting Pakistan by mistake or something.
(when I see him next online I'll make sure he see's this).
Posted On:
May 29 2005 10:25pm
Back in glory days of TRF when we we're flourishing and groups came and went like the seasons, we had some strict rules about creating groups.
Allow me to elaborate.
*clears throat*
Yeah whatever, that's cool.
TRF used to be on ezboard, so some of our groups boards are still on that. If you rally some members together to prove to Kas that the group is active and deserving of their own board he might take the effort to create it for you, but he's been a bit starstruck lately and you never know what you're gonna get from this kid anymore.
Are you talking about just moving TNSO off of the TNO board and renaming it TSO (is Lup cool with this?) or did you want to start another competing faction?
Posted On:
May 29 2005 11:22pm
Yeah... if you want to move TNSO you may wish to discuss this with the membes of TNO and TNSO.
Otherwise, that's cool... just don't expect the TNSO Sith to be all like, "Hey, cool, a different Sith faction!"
Posted On:
May 29 2005 11:52pm
First off, there are several long-standing groups that are in line for group boards, as well as a long-promised style for TJO. TNSO already has a set of forums, one public and one private. If you want a few additional forums added to those, no problem, that's pretty easy.
Second, clear this through the owners and long-standing members of TNSO, namely Lupercus, Perrin and Silus.
Third, glad to see some people showing an interest in moving the Jedi around.
Posted On:
May 30 2005 12:01am
Is GC in that line for forums, Kas?
Posted On:
May 30 2005 12:07am
I think we are. If not I hereby add us in and bump us above everybody else, since we are the biggest group without our own forums.